Flex Manager
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Manager (inc. CIO,CFO,CEO); Project Director or Controller;

Manager (inc. CIO,CFO,CEO);  Project Director or Controller;

Work Experience

- 30+ years top line- and project-management: in Banking/Finance; Systems/Operations; Sales, Marketing, and Biz Dev't; and related major projects in IT, construction, and training
- with major banks and banking software houses in the Middle East and N Africa, working in English or French
- specific experience: resource management for e-banking projects; fincial restructure of troubled subsidiary of major int'l bank; IT and biz systems design/conversions for several banks; 'Build-Operate-Transfer' of IT and general facilities constructions; green-fields creation of profitable multi-country systems house for major US-based IT MNC


- BSc (Geophysics) St Andrews Univ., UK
- ChIEng(Member, UK Chartered Information Engineering Soc.)
- FIMIS (Fellow, UK Inst. for Mgt. of Information Systems)
- UK GCE's: 17 passes from 'S'level down; majority with 'Distinction'.


Management of business, finance and operations in banking and IT, in roles as CFO / CIO, and Project Director or Controller - in all cases v hands-on. Have all necessary application-tools skills, and "basic skills of subordinates" in all roles.


English (mother tongue); fluent working French; revivable conversational/written Arabic


Have lived and worked in 9 countries, visited 35+,currently based Greece/France. Wife is a career operations banker; both active alpine skiers; no family ties.


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