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Commercial Director, Marketing Director

Commercial Director, Marketing Director

Work Experience

As an independent Consultant/Interim Executive David has employed, and continues to employ, his skills in a variety of roles and markets primarily in, but not limited to, the high-tech arena. This specialisation is largely as a consequence of David's early technological training, which training allows him to participate fully and knowledgably in the commercial review and implementation of high-tech assignments.

As an example of this, David's most recent assignment, operating as an Interim Executive through his own consultancy vehicle Ltd, has been in the European start-up of two inter-related hi-tech companies both utilising technology developed in the Far East and Australasia. David acted as Chief Executive Officer (UK) for Kingsmith Intelligent Transport Systems (KITS) and as Marketing Director for Vecien (Europe) Ltd. KITS operates in the field of Telematic solutions whilst Vecien develops and licences core communications technology designed for use in the mobile space.

His Consultancy/Interim Executive work has encompassed roles in support of established companies such as Dataquest, Crossfield Communications, Telecom Sciences Corporation, ACC Telecom and Thus plc whilst his entrepreneurial skills have been tested at start-ups such as SPLITS Technologies Ltd, Kingsmith Intelligent Transport Systems Ltd and Vecien (Europe) Ltd. Assignments undertaken have encompassed market reviews, business process re-engineering, business planning and implementation, project management, sales and marketing, fund-raising and general management.

Having originally qualified as a BSc (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineer, David has operated both technologically and commercially in the Computing, Networking and Communications markets. In addition, he can demonstrate commercial activity in fields as diverse as Change Management in the FMCG (Food Retailing) market through to start-up activity in the field of Plasma Physics.

In the corporate world, David most recently operated within the Telecommunication and Internet market where he held the position of Commercial Director for Thus plc. Thus plc, with a T/O of c. £300m, is a leading AltNet within the Telco and Internet sector and has, in recent times, been a member of the FTSE 250 and FTSE 100.

Typically operating at Senior Management/Executive level, David's wider corporate experience includes positions such as Business Development Director for Mitel Telecom where he held responsibility for identifying and entering into new markets and sectors, Corporate Development Director for Microvitec plc where he held responsibility for M&A strategy, Group Technology Director with product development responsibilities spanning Networking products through to Multi-Media Products, Sales Director/GM Sales and Marketing Director both in the high-tech environment.

David has held full P&L Responsibility at Operating Division level (T/O up to £25m pa), Opex Control at Group Level (c £24m), Business Planning responsibility at Group Level, Gross Margin Management through the control of Pricing and Cost of Sale and has been tasked with Marketing and Selling into the SME, Corporate and Indirect channels. He has also held General Management positions and has managed teams of up to 200 strong constructed from multi-disciplined operatives and professionals ¡V such teams having operated in multiple facilities both nationally and internationally. Much of his career has encompassed an international element having managed sales offices in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Canada and the USA and manufacturing facilities (operating under licence) in Korea.


Professional Qualifications
„X BSc (Hons), Electrical & Electronic Engineering
„X Heriot-Watt University (1976)

Professional Affiliations




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