Flex Manager
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Business Consultant

Business Consultant

Work Experience

Extensive project management experience in the fields of manufacturing optimization, lead-time reduction and supply-chain management. Experienced in Lean & Flow Manufacturing Education, Implementation and Formalization and expertise in the following areas; Engineer-to-Order Products, Printed Circuits, Machine/Hand Tool Production, Machining, Sheet Metal Stamping & Assembly, Semiconductor Equipment, Truck Trailers and Valves & Controls. Holding positions as Senior Applications Engineer at JCIT Europe and Director of Technology in Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI). Currently self-employed and providing training and consulting in the areas of Lean & Flow Manufacturing, mostly for companies in Italy.


• Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Nice (Ceram) (Erasmus Exchange Program), Sophia Antipolis France January 97 – May 97
Courses: Management of Information Systems, Marketing on the Internet, Multimedia, Marketing of High Technology
• Msc in Industrial Engineering & Management Science, University of Groningen (The Netherlands) September 94 to December 96
Specialisation: Production Management & Logistics
• Ing “engineer” title in Industrial Management, Polytechnical School Windesheim in Zwolle (The Netherlands) September 90 to August 94
Specialisation: Production Management & Logistics


• Dutch, Mother Tongue
• English, Fluent
• French, Fluent
• German, Fluent


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