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Event and Project Management

Event and Project Management

Work Experience

Jan. 2006 - March 2009 TICKETCORNER AG
Strategic projects and Key Account Management: Zürich / Lausanne, Switzerland
- Responsible for key projects (coordination /communication of internal and external teams) considered strategic vis-à-vis: revenues or international stature e.g. Handball World Championships 2007 (DE); Ice Hockey World Championship 2009 (CH)
- Collaboration with 3 country Sales Teams for strategic tender proposals e.g. UEFA Euro2008
- Management for short and long term perspectives of the Key Account « Infront Sport and Media AG». Responsible for opportunities to « up-and cross sell» e.g. up-sell for the fulfillment and distribution of 30’000 packages for the IAAF world Championships 2009. Result: business concept and the creation of an new internal department « Ticketcorner Hospitality & Group Sales »
- Product Committee member: development of future products inline w/ client needs and corporate strategic goals
- Team member for the reconfiguration of the new « WebShop », and the request analysis for the new CRM (B2B et B2C) system
- Creation of the « VIP Memberclub » with the objective to retain existing clients and attract new clientele

Nov. 2001 - Dec. 2005 B+R EVENT AG: various projects
Project Manager
- Global project management duties with single project budgetary responsibilities of up to CHF 10’000’000; liaison and key account management duties; artistic programming; local and international marketing / communication research and planning; resource provision and contracting.
- E.g. «Visitor Management and Ticketing concept» for Shanghai Expo 2010; «Visitor Management Portfolio» Expo.02, Swiss National Exposition: Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Since 2001 ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY: Victoria, Canada
Distance Learning Associate Faculty: MBA program “Business Research Methods”

June 2000 - Nov. 2001 FIREWORKS MARKETING GROUP INC.: Toronto, Ontario
Managing Director
- General management duties: increasing profitability for Toronto business unit; forecasting and meeting sales objectives and targets; business development; market research; non-traditional advertising, promotional and marketing initiatives; senior key account management duties.
- Creation and implementation of experiential events: product launches, conferences and meetings, galas, branding initiatives, internal and external corporate projects, sponsorship fulfillment etc.

Dec. 1998 - June 2000 TOURISM WHISTLER: Whistler, BC
Director, Festivals and Events
- Project management for year-round festivals and events in resort town of Whistler, BC
Mandate to research, create and produce strategically aligned destination marketable events to attract and increase visitor ship to resort; ensuring buy-in from the association membership.

1998 B+R EVENT AG / GOOD NEWS PRODUCTIONS AG: Zurich, Switzerland
Project manager: Event Planning and Market feasibility study Expo.01

July 1997 – September 1997 CANADA SUMMER GAMES: Brandon, Manitoba
Production Supervisor

Feb. - July 1997 BRIDGEFEST ’97: Prince Edward Island, Canada
Project Manager
Strait Crossing Inc., Canadian Federal and Provincial Governments
- Responsible for 4-day multi-event festival: international marketing & communication campaign, logistics and production infrastructure over 35 acre site; servicing sponsors and partners; brand consistency etc.

May 1996 - Feb. 1997 SPECIAL OLYMPICS WORLD WINTER GAMES: Toronto, Ontario
Production Stage Manager

Nov. 1995 - April 1996 OPERAMA - Stadium Opera Tour Producer: Spain, Prague, Germany
Production Director
Operama, Madrid Spain

Jan. 1995 - November PHANTOM OF THE OPERA: Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea
Senior Stage Manager
Livent Inc., Toronto, Ontario and New York, New York

Production Stage Manager
World Commonwealth Games Committee, Victoria BC

DREAMCOAT / SHOWBOAT: North American Tours: various cities
Production Stage Manager
Livent Inc., Toronto, Ontario and New York, New York

1989 - 1990 AIDA - Stadium Opera World Tour: Canada, Japan, Australia, Mexico
Production Stage Manager
Operama, Madrid, Spain

1985 – 1991 CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY: Toronto, Ontario
Principal Stage Manager


Project Management Professional, PMP
Currently being completed (Fall 2009)

Master of Business Administration, MBA
Royal Roads University, Victoria BC, Canada

Bachelor of Arts, BA (Technical Theatre Production: management / administration)
Ryerson University, Toronto Canada


- Project management consultant/manager for marketing, special events, congresses and promotional activities (public / private sectors: government, hospitality and tourism, NGO sectors etc.) with a specialty in large-scale project undertakings.
- CRM and B2B / B2C e-commerce channel initiatives: VIP memberclub w/ inventory matching, community development, campaign management, fidelity strategies etc.
- Support, administration and implementation of B2B clients / sponsor’s wishes and goals in a Key Account Management role from both independent and Agency side.
- Analysis and alignment of client strategies with appropriate host project and / or event objectives.
- Development and evaluation of appropriate sponsorship opportunities from both client and host project perspectives.
- Fulfillment / continuity management of contractual sponsorship obligations throughout project lifecycle.
- Strategic development and direction for business processes, ticketing and hospitality applications.
- Experience working internationally, with strong cultural sensitivities and creative problem solving abilities in challenging countries and environments.
- Analyses and leveraging of inter-departmental / inter-event synergies.
- Front line position involving media and publicity interfacing and control.
- Maintaining active communication between all departments, sponsors and partners during all phases of a project.
- Scheduling and timeline structures, administration and implementation.
- Management, training and leadership supervision of staff and / or volunteers, emphasis on team leadership and participation.
- Creation and management of budgets, contracts and costs.
- Implementation / creation of venue and event guidelines - procedural operations / functions
- Supervision / organization of project logistical, technical and personnel needs – catering, transportation, accommodation, technical specifications etc.


- English (mother tongue)
- French (fluent)
- German (basic)


- Alpine skiing; hiking; equestrian sports; trail and distance running
- Reading; cooking; travel
- Member, Rotary Club International: Rives chapter, Lausanne


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Deze manager verwijderen  16753 - International Senior Project Manager
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Deze manager verwijderen  197974 - Interim-Manager, Engineering, Operations, Sites
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Deze manager verwijderen  53315 - Senior Project Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  198334 - Manager Industrial Services
Deze manager verwijderen  194407 - CEO, COO, CRO, Plant Manager, Lean Management
Deze manager verwijderen  90159 - ICT Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  198953 - Productmanager software
Deze manager verwijderen  18911 - Interim of projectmanagement
Deze manager verwijderen  193195 - Telecom Contracts Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  48156 - Interim Manager, Afdelingshoofd, Teamleider, Proces manager,
Deze manager verwijderen  62660 - CIO, Programma of project manager
Deze manager verwijderen  68124 - Eindverantwoordelijk/leidingevend
Deze manager verwijderen  197874 - Directeur d'Usine
Deze manager verwijderen  92333 - Programma Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  34439 - Service Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  54779 - Projectmanager-, lijn- en kwaliteitsmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  200095 - general management, purchasing, buying & merchandising
Deze manager verwijderen  61609 - Productie Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  88003 - Interim / programmamanager
Deze manager verwijderen  73679 - bedrijfskundig interim manager
Deze manager verwijderen  12492 - Interim manager / directeur
Deze manager verwijderen  81906 - facility manager
Deze manager verwijderen  199822 - CEO,COO
Deze manager verwijderen  193192 - manager logistique
Deze manager verwijderen  90298 - Interim/ Organisatie adviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  91514 - Manager Operations
Deze manager verwijderen  40100 - Projectmanager SAP
Deze manager verwijderen  13855 - General manager, project manager, change manager, consultanc
Deze manager verwijderen  23415 - veranderingsmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  60589 - Operations Management and Performance Improvement
Deze manager verwijderen  55830 - Interim-manager
Deze manager verwijderen  84276 - interim manager operations
Deze manager verwijderen  17132 - Commercieel Manager/ Projectmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  35053 - Operations Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  16374 - ICT Manager / Bestuurder
Deze manager verwijderen  11817 - Algemeen of Operationeel management
Deze manager verwijderen  10851 - Testmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  31698 - manager
Deze manager verwijderen  90296 - Special Projects Operations & Interim Management
Deze manager verwijderen  28224 - Directeur
Deze manager verwijderen  89920 - R&D management
Deze manager verwijderen  68302 - General Manager & Change Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  199775 - Interim Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  26356 - Auditor
Deze manager verwijderen  56446 - Adviseur Projectmanager Domotica woningautomatisering
Deze manager verwijderen  11931 - Call Centre Executive
Deze manager verwijderen  44356 - Interimmanager / programmamanager / organisatieadviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  65668 - Manager bedrijfsvoering
Deze manager verwijderen  91477 - projectmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  91723 - Transitiemanager / Programmamanager
Deze manager verwijderen  52558 - interim manager

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