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algemeen managemen t /internationale coordinatie /training

algemeen managemen t /internationale coordinatie /training

Work Experience

Unilever, tutor/consultant International Marketing Academy UK (international programme)
TNT Express, international trainer presentation skills

Peter is an internationally experienced marketing and communications professional, who had his basic training in London and New York.
During his career he operated as a strategic planner/director, coordinator and managing director at some of the largest worldwide advertising agency networks, i.e. DDB, Lowe Lintas and J Walter Thompson, in a series of countries in West- and Central Europe, Latin America and South-East Asia.
As a strategic planner he was closely involved in the development of multinational brands of companies such as Unilever, Nestlé, Ikea, Ford and Shell. As a managing director he was responsible for the set-up and turn-around of several local subsidiaries of Lowe Lintas and JWT.
His latest ex-pat posting was managing director of JWT Indonesia, which agency he ran successfully for 3 years, until he returned to the Netherlands in 2003 to establish Strategy. At the end of 2006 he set up NEXT Change Specialists together with Ninon le Grand, an organisation-sociologist.
At present, Peter’s field of work includes conceptual marketing, brand- and communications development, business coaching and training. Because of his broad experience, he is at home in wide variety of markets.
One of his recent projects is a tutor assignment at the International Marketing Academy of Unilever in Kingston-UK. Next to his work as a consultant, coach and trainer, Peter is a volunteer for international projects of PUM Dutch Senior Experts.
He is a guest-speaker at the University of Amsterdam and contributes from time to time to the editorials of the Dutch advertising trade-press.


International carreer, broad experience in company management, international and coaching


Trackrecord in international company management, brand strategy and brand development, coordination


English, Dutch, German, Portuguese


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