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Work Experience

From February 1994 till the present working from Management B.V. as an independent interim manager completed the following assignments:
Februari 2010 – heden Coachen van ondernemers en senior managers. Tandem CFO.
Several consultancy assignments i.a.:
• Consultant start-up, branch milieutechniek.
Investment review, financing, developing and implementing administrative organisation & IC.
• Consultant start-up IT services B2C.
• Consultant sale IT company B2B.
• Vitality Research MKB company, branch technical trade.

June – July 2011 KiFid – Klachten Intituur Financiele Dienstverlening
Consultant development Management Information System.

October 2008 – December 2009 Haag Wonen (24.500 rental units, Holding with two housing companies an project management company and several investment companies).
Sector Real estate
Function Manager Finance & control
Tasks and responsibilities Financial Policies, planning & control, treasury (chairman treasury committee), risk management, tax management, judge investments, participation in investment committee. Advisor board of directors.
Results Redesign planning & control cicly and instruments. Implement risk management. Financing commercial real estate. Organisation detached of old habits.

June – September 2008 Wonen Limburg (24.000 rental units, Holding with six housing companies)
Sector Real estate
Function Manager Finance
Tasks and responsibilities Financial Policies, planning & control, treasury (chairman treasury committee), risk management, tax management, judge investments, administration central organisation, salary administration, chairman financial management committee.
Results Start up budgeting process. Research and diagnoses including plan for successor.

April – June 2008 Huisman-Itrec ()

Sector Offshore industry
Function Manager
Tasks and responsibilities Managing a re-launch of an acquired company from bankruptcy. Negotiation suppliers and curator.

June 2007 – december 2007 Fortis verzekeringen
Sector Financial services
Function Manager reporting & control De Amerfoortse Verzekeringen
Tasks and responsibilities Realisation of the planning & control cycle, management department (10 fte). Participation in steering committe fastclose.
Change the department from controlling, an figure factory, to business control and reporting.

December 2006 – march 2007 Manufactures of deepwell pumps for chemical tankers
Sector Industry
Function Director Finance, crisis management
Tasks and responsibilities Finance, administration, control and ICT. Annual account, financial structuring, reorganise the administration, start up re-implementing ERP system.

May 2006 – September 2006 Getronics N.V., worldwide 28.000 employee
Sector ICT
Function Consultant
Tasks and responsibilities SMART closing project. Improvement reporting process, the correct use of IFRS

January – April 2006
Several clients
Function Consultant
Tasks and responsibilities Set up and implement an internet marketing organisation and an investment company.

May 2005 – December 2005
Cegelec NL, 10 branches, 750 employees. Cegelec NL is a part of an world-wide c

Sector Electrical installations and technical facility management of buildings.
Function Director Finance
Tasks and responsibilities Financial recovery, arrange the AO & IC, improve the management of the personnel process.

April 2004 – April 2005
Woningbedrijf Velzen
7000 woningen en bedrijfsruimten
Sector Building and management of social housing
Function Consultant
Tasks and responsibilities Inquire the results of an co-operation contract with an external party in the realisation of apartments for the aged (€ 50 million).
Strategic advises.

September – October 2004
Corus VlietJonge (Tata steel)
Sector Wholesale and shape of steel.
Function Controller a.i.
Tasks and responsibilities Realisation of the annualplan and budgeting process

July 2003 – March 2004
3 to 5 days a week Woningbedrijf Velzen
Building and management of social housing. Management of 6,750 houses and commercial rooms
Sector Building and management of social housing.
Function Manager support ad interim
Tasks and responsibilities Responsible for the departments finance / administration, planning & control and ICT.
Development and implementation of planning and control, management information system, culture change within the support departments and professionalising of the organisation. Advisor of the new managing director, and support him with the change of the organisation.

Half April 2003 – November 2003
2 days a week Afvalverwijdering Rivierenlanden
They collect the waste for nine municipalities, total 80.000 family’s.
Sector Environment, collect of household waste
Function Projectmanager
Tasks and responsibilities Responsible for the implementation of an new system for invoicing and collecting of waste taxes. Deadline project December 2003.
Key items of the project:
Implementation of an new system, communication to the customers, the administration, organisation and internal control, organisation change as an result of the system.

August 2002 – November 2002 Techno Service Nederland NV.
TSN is the biggest truck service organisation of the Netherlands with 65 branches and approx 1,200 employees. TSN is organised in 5 independent regions.
Sector Truck services
Function Process owner sales.
Tasks and responsibilities Reorganisation sales organisation
Responsible for standardize and improvement of sales processes: Truck sales, counter sales, sales of maintenance contracts, etc. for the purpose to computerize these processes in MOVEX. Improving these products and developing the processes.
Sparring partner for the external software implementator.
Assist the sales organisation in the change process.
CSF – Working according one process and with one system. Improving the realised transaction results, implementing efficiency, improvements in the sales process, improvement of the communication and information to stake holders.

December 2001 – April 2002 BSW Truck en Bus, subsidiary of Technoservice Nederland NV.
TSN is the biggest truck service organisation of the Netherlands
Sector Dealership of trucks with 8 branches
Function Manager ad interim.
Tasks and responsibilities Reorganisation sales organisation
Implementing of efficiency improvement in the sales process. Improvement in communication and the provision of information to the stake holders
CSF – Improvement post calculated transaction result, repositioning of the internal sales department.

May 2001 - October 2001 N.V. Slibverwerking Noord Brabant
Sector The environment, processing of sludge coming from purification installations.
Function Controller ad interim
Tasks and responsibilities Planning & control
Management of the financial department
Member of the management team
CSF – Implementation of a number control instruments.

January - April 2001 Inspection of education
Sector Ministry of Education, Culture and science
Function Project manager for improvement steering information.
Tasks and responsibilities Linking up the Personnel Information System – PerCC and the financial system - SAP
Manage the improvements of the personnel budget plans. Giving support and advice during the implementation of SAP.
CSF – Improvement of the Management Information System from and to the management.
Create cooperation between the departments Personnel & Organisation and Finance.

September - October 2000 Gillette Benelux (Gilette)

Sector Sale of consumer products (mail & female grooming, batteries and stationery).
Function Financial Planning Manager ad interim
Tasks and responsibilities Temporary management of a function, tasks:
Managing of 5 business unit controllers including sales and marketing.
Consolidation of the monthly report, forecasting
Control of Direct Marketing Expenses

January - Augustus 2000 EMS Chiara subsidiary of MOSAIC Inc. (Public company and listed on the Canadian stock exchange).
Sector Marketing services ICT.
Function Director
Tasks and responsibilities Turnaround organisation.
Responsible for the departments:
- Controlling and risk management - Finance & administration - Personnel & organisation - IT en telecommunication - Resource management (management personnel and other resources call up employees, warehouse and logistics) - Secretary and facilities.

November 1999 – January 2000 EMS Chiara part of MOSAIC Inc.
Sector Marketing services ICT. 2 company's (Holland and Belgium), 100 employee's + ca 350 call up employee's. . (Mosaic inc is an public company and listed on the Canadian stock exchange)
Function Controller ad interim
Tasks and responsibilities Performance and change management. Improving of the AO & IC, developing MIS, improving the processes of the organisation, Advising the Managing Director during changing the culture of the organisation. Compiling the annual account, developing control instruments. Managing of the administration department. Financial reporting in US GAAP.

August 1999 – September 1999 Talkline Benelux B.V.
Sector Telecommunication
Function Interim credit manager
Tasks and responsibilities Leading the credit management department, 20 employees. Improving the registration and reporting.

November 1998 – June 1999 IT – organisation of ECT (European Container Terminals)
Sector IT organisation of a container shipment company. 210 IT personnel, Intercompany revenue approximately NLG. 60 million.
Function Coaching new controller and management team in change process.
Tasks and responsibilities Controlling IT expenses, reducing expenses, changing culture from unlimited services for internal clients to a professional client - supplier relationship. Improving AO & IC. Developing and implementing the provision of information both the internal IT organisation and the internal clients.

March 1998 – November 1998 DTO, Defence
Sector Government, IT
Function Project controller, consultant to Millennium Defence project
Tasks and responsibilities Starting up and implementing the organisation of the administration and project control. Estimated costs approximately NLG 400 million.

December 1997 – March 1998 Several companies
Sector Several
Function Consultant
Tasks and responsibilities Personal coach of a controller, advice in the field of restructuring of business processes.

June 1997 – November 1997 Group 4
Sector Private Multinational Security organisation. In the Netherlands three company's, 900 employees.
Function Controller
Tasks and responsibilities Performance and change management. Improving AO and IC, developing M.I.S., improving the process of the organisation, changing the culture from department directed to process directed and thinking. Recruiting and selection new employees.

January - April 1997 Cofely (Before called GTI) Rotterdam and Geleen en Geleen)
Sector Mechanical contracting en industrial services. Employees 500
Function Project manager
Tasks and responsibilities Charged with the research and improvement of the use of TRITON modules (BAAN). Preparation for phase two, implementing TRITON finance.

May - December 1996 GTI Mechanical Rotterdam B.V
Sector Mechanical contracting en industrial services. Employees 300
Function Controller
Tasks and responsibilities Member of the management team. Organise the administrative processes within the whole organisation. Developing MIS. Introduction of an managing & control plan. Compiling the annual plan, budgeting & reporting. Systems: TIAS, Triton Industry en Triton Trade.
CSF: Acceptance of controllers function within the management team. Creating unambiquity within a merged organisation.

February 1994 – April 1996 Air Traffic Control, Schiphol.
Sector Air Traffic Control.
Function Project controller
Tasks and responsibilities Responsible for the control of an investment program of NLG 550 million. Setting up a project administration, a asset administration and control instruments. Management of an building project NLG. 100 million. Assist the process of change of the finance department (30 employees) and the project organisation.
Special experience Improve the AO of a company changing from a public to a private company.

Working experience as an employee:

I have worked as an finance director, controller, head management real estate, project controller and assistant to the accountant in the sectors chemical waste and real estate.


Interim management – RSM (Erasmus University)
SPD 1 ,2 – Preahep (State Registered Accountancy Diploma)
MEAO (Secondary education in business administration and commercial services)

Basel ll (BPMi)
I.F.R.S. (Ernst & Young)
Course control of your company (BDO education)
Course Organisation in administration and internal control (MOC –Management Education Centre)
Effective credit control (Dun & Bradstreet).
Several courses in the field of ICT and public housing.

Attending professional seminars: ‘From management tot (authentic) leadership, ‘the immunity of organisations”, ‘Ethic, governance and the role of the financial column’, ‘Fraude and integrity’ Value & Perfomance Management’, etc.


Core competencies
Strategic policy definition:
• Developing policy and vision on operational matters: finance, human resource management, information and communication technology.
Change management:
• Implementing client services;
• Developing and implementing AO, compile and implement job roles;
• Supervising parts of an organisation in the process of becoming independent;
• Reorganising organisations.
Turnaround and Corporate recovery:
• Reorganisation distressed parts of organisations;
• Turnaround management.
• Supervising members of the board and management functions in a changing organisation.
Project management:
• Financial management and control of big projects of building and renovating of houses;
• Management of project teams within the scope reorganisation, implementing new financial (software) systems.
Financial management financial & business control:
• Planning & control cycles (Strategic and annual plans, budgeting, monthly reporting, outlook, forecasting, etc);
• Safeguard the plans and budgets;
• Investments reviews;
• Internal & external reporting (IFRS, US GAAP and Dutch GAAP);
• Treasury;
• Administrative Organisation & Internal Control, SOX;
• Activity Based Costing;
• Costs reduction programs;
• Management information system and performance measurement system.
Risk management


Mother tongue Dutch
Well knowledge of English


Sector experience
Offshore industry, production, industrial projects Truck sales, truck services, environmental engineering, education, consumer products, marketing services, ict, defence, local - and public services, security, technical installations, air traffic control, public housing, sales and management of real estate, financial services.


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