Flex Manager
De top 21219 Flexmanagers van Nederland
21219 professionals


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Change manager

Change manager

Work Experience

02/'02-now : Freelancer interim manager
Assignments that has the objectives to improve internal organization structures and obtaining better focus on the customer. Assignments as improving the sales departments of an international operating machine builder. Performance improvement of their service department (contract and on bill activities). I’ve build application (because software is my passion). I’ve also helped a new aupair agenty with their application for searching and matching of aupairs to families.

03/'02-03/’03 : HGG (Interim) - Production manager (8 FTE´s)
Leading a production, service and work preparation department. Responsible for the total result of the projects (new machine and renovation). Responsible for closing contracts with suppliers and other manufactures. Overall planning of capacity and stocks. Also taking care of the (international) transport.

03/'00-01/’02 : Ventris - Consultant (5 FTE´s)
Working as a organization specialist, helping with putting in place it’s Call Center it’s bookkeeping and other organisation wide matters. Studied for the sales certificates of the software Exact, Microsoft Great Plains, Siebel Mid Market. Also did some consultancy projects that had to develop custom build Software.

05/'97-02/'00 : Getronics Networks - Manager Field Operations/Customer manager (28 FTE´s)
Operational responsible for the traditional service contracts. Writing internal processes and insure that they where embedded. Also commercial responsible for some large and small accounts. This was the period that the new services (network management, asset management, etc.) had to be implemented, and I worked closely in a project to obtain this service and new business. Ensure that al the engineer get the right training, knowledge and level. Keeping regular department meetings, review conversations and functional conversations.

Commercial support for the making of new contracts and new SLA’s

07/'95-04/'97 : Getronics Networks - Manager Contract administration (12 FTE´s)
Invoicing of the whole contract portfolio and processing of al the changes in the contracts. Taking care of the right distribution of revenue to the differed Business Units. Maintaining al the tabels within the central CMDB and keeping the integrity of it. Created a roadmap for a new way of working and after this was approved created a application to obtain this objective. Supporting sales departments and call centers, because they where the end users.

01/'91-06/'95 : Multihouse Automatisering - Manager Contract processing (6 FTE´s)
Improving turn around time and restructure it’s processes. Maintaining customer contact (mostly by phone) and creating a higher customer satisfaction. Supporting sales (quotation control, back office and creating appointments with a small amount of people). Yearly indexing and evaluate the contracts.

03/'89-12/'90 : Multihouse Automatisering - Network engineer
Manage Novell networks with all it’s computers, printers and data communication equipment. Responsible for Implementations of applications and hardware.

03/'86-02/'89 : PHI Nederland - Project Engineer
Write, plan and taking care of whole or parts of projects from logistics systems with barcode equipment.


1981- 1985 :MAVO - D (evening study)
1985 -1990 :MTS - E (evening study)
1990- 1991 :AMBI - HE1 (evening study)
1991 -1995 :HEAO - BE (evening study)
1995 -1997 :Management training for potential by Getronics
1998 :ITIL Essentials
1999 :Prince 2 (Project management)


Pragmatic, Flexible, Creative, Open minded, Stress resistible, Going all the way, Team-builder, Working towards solutions, Keeping sight on target


Nederlands en Engels


Geselecteerde interimmanagers:

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Deze manager verwijderen  91631 - trainer/coach adviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  55519 - Business Development
Deze manager verwijderen  91660 - verhuiscoordinator/huisvestingsadviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  71213 - ICT Manager / Service Manager / Interim-manager
Deze manager verwijderen  53499 - interim manager; met name in de sector kinderopvang.
Deze manager verwijderen  85952 - Program Manager / Change Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  15485 - (interim- en project-) manager voor ondersteunende processen
Deze manager verwijderen  20269 - program director
Deze manager verwijderen  23749 - Portfoliomanager, coach, projectdirecteur
Deze manager verwijderen  25203 - interim transportmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  199493 - manager projects /operations
Deze manager verwijderen  91041 - Directeur/Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  65318 - manager, trainer, coach,
Deze manager verwijderen  42043 - logistiek manager (transport + warehousing)
Deze manager verwijderen  52327 - Tech Directeur/Programmamanager
Deze manager verwijderen  71163 - managements functie
Deze manager verwijderen  82944 - Interim manager, consultant, coach
Deze manager verwijderen  16555 - Project manager or Functional analyst
Deze manager verwijderen  26363 - Projectmanager & Interimmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  75913 - projectmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  33473 - Directeur/(Interim)Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  68224 - projectmanager/projectleider
Deze manager verwijderen  91888 - Interim management
Deze manager verwijderen  80767 - Interim Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  25361 - Manager innovatie en marketing
Deze manager verwijderen  10291 - Management
Deze manager verwijderen  69762 - Wmo, onderwijs, zorg en re-integratie
Deze manager verwijderen  58068 - Interim manager
Deze manager verwijderen  35733 - Interim Manager / Program Manager / Consultant Industrie
Deze manager verwijderen  72883 - Technisch interim manager
Deze manager verwijderen  199529 - Salesmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  92555 - Business Development Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  87988 - Logistiek Coordinator/ Logistiek Manager/ Hoofdplanner
Deze manager verwijderen  80474 - Project- Programmamanager
Deze manager verwijderen  17068 - interim/verandermanager

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