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Business Analyst

Business Analyst

Work Experience

July 2004 – Present
Company : ING Group – Corporate Credit Risk Management Department (CCRM)
Function : Senior Business Analyst

The department of CCRM is responsible for the IT systems and the developments of all credit risk rated system for the ING bank worldwide. The project I’m involved in is to maintain and implement the credit approval process within ING. As senior business analyst, my role is:
• Responsible for the requirement analysis and functional design document
• Responsible for the communication with IT for the implementation.
• Support user acceptance testing.
• Support user training and user documentation.
• Report to the project control for the project progress, status and issues.

May 2003 – July 2004
Company : Rabobank International – IS&D
Function : Senior Business Analyst

The department of IS&D is responsible for the IT system and the developments for the Rabobank group. The group I work in is risk management – center of competence for the Basel II projects. As business analyst, my role is to:
• Participate in the Basel II projects for the requirement analysis.
• Write requirement and functional specifications.
• Involved in project implementation.

Projects Involved:
• RECAP: Regulatory and Economic Capital Calculation Tool for Rabo Control Group and Credit Risk Management.
My role in this project is the business analyst to write the detailed requirement specification for the Rabo Control Group in order to implement the Basel II process in the regulatory and economical capital calculations. It covers all the risk types which are required by the Rabo bank Group.
Besides, I’m also involved in the later system selection phase to go through all the available solutions such as SAP, Hyperion, PeopleSoft, SAS etc, to give suggestions to the final decision of the vendor solution.

• Fermat Implementation:
Fermat is also another Credit Risk Management Solution which incorporates Basel II process. It is used by Rabobank International as a reporting tool in order to calculation the economic capital for the Rabo International.
I’m involved in the implementation phase of the project, to help testing the functionality’s and supporting the development and user acceptance test.

• Credit Risk Management Rabo Group – ‘Fiattering System Registration’
Credit Risk Management is the department of Credit Risk Approval and Credit Risk Management for the Rabo Group. The ‘Fiattering System Registration’ is the internal credit application registration system. I work in this project as the business analyst to get the user requirements in order to improve the current functionality’s.

Feb 2001 – April 2003
Company : Financial Plaza B.V.
Function : Product Development & Functional Designer

Financial Plaza is the new start up company after FADO consultant has been taken over by ABN AMRO Bank. With the same group of people, its goal is to develop a new financial services concept in the on-line communities.

The core product of Financial Plaza(FP) is cBanking (Community Banking), which is the on-line payment solutions. In order to development such new product, my role is to:
• Help to develop FP’s new business model into a concrete IT architecture and business process.
• Responsible for the business process modeling and information analysis
• Responsible for the functional specification and the logical design model.
• Responsible for the physical implementation

Jun 1998 – Feb 2001
Company : FADO Consultant B.V.
Function : Product Development & System Designer

As part of FADO’s startups, I’m heavily involved in the product development of Internet-Banking Solution - FBS. My responsibility was:
• Database Design and Implementation
• System Architecture Design
• Functional and Technical Specification
• Technical Standards
• Product Quality Assurance
• Team leader

Project Involved:

ING/SFB Webbank System - Role as technical team leader

In this project, we successfully implemented the Webbank System of SFB using our FBS application. The functionality includes:
• Financial transaction process for both internet frontend and backoffice.
• Internet Security.

As a team leader, I’m responsible for:
• System design and implementation.
• Handling Change Request.
• Version Control and software delivery.

Virtual Banking System for Aagus Financial Services – role as project team leader
In this project, we implemented Virtual Banking System for Aagus based on our FBS concept and design. The functionality includes:
• Frontend Call Center Application Process.
• Loan Application Process.
• Financial transaction process.
• Limit and Risk Management.
• Bank Position Management.
• Agent Administration.
• Client Portfolio Management.
• Card Handling Application.

As a project team leader, I’m responsible for:
• Database Design.
• Function & Process Design.
• User Interface Design.
• Database implementation.
• Version control and software delivery.

Sep 1997 - Jun 1998
Company : ABN-AMRO Bank Holland (International Division)
Function : Information Analyst

The unit forms part of the Information Management Department within the International Division. As an information analyst in this division, I work in Assets, Liabilities and Transactional Banking Services. My job is responsible for:
• Setting up and supporting the administrative and organizational processes within the international branch network of the Bank.
• Translating user requirements for the International Development Department, which provides applications support within the IT Solutions Division.
• Testing the Bank\'s Standard Application Platform.
• Ensuring that all business functionalities required by the network are covered by application functions. In cases where this proves impossible (e.g. because of limitations within the application), workarounds should be sought to enable the branch to carry the product and sell it to its clients.

Project Involved:
EURO currency integration
• Perform functional and system testing on EURO currency conversion;
• Provide branch procedures for the new EURO currency;
• System and functional test on Credit risk management and Treasury module.

Apr 1995 - Aug 1997
Company : System Access Pte Ltd Singapore
Function : Technical Consultant

System Access is a specialist software firm dedicated to providing software solutions to the banking industry. SYMBOLS is its main product which is fully-integrated banking solution designed and developed in Oracle development tools. As a technical consultant my job is to:
Provide technical consultation to customers in the implementation of SYMBOLS product. This installation, acceptance testing, training, system conversion, application configuration and parallel processing.
• Perform Oracle and SYMBOLS technical training.
• Provide technical support to customers during acceptance testing.
• Provide consultation in the system conversion activity.
• Provide support for bug fixes, customization and enhancement of the SYMBOLS product.

Projects Invovled
The Gulf Bank Kuwait (Aug 1995 - Feb 1996)
• Successfully implemented SYMBOLS Foreign Exchange, Market Money, Securities, Limits Control, and Swift and Reuters Interface. Work involved customizations and user acceptance testing.
• Provided technical training on Oracle Form 3.0, PL/SQL and Oracle database administration.
• Responsible for
 Customization on Foreign Exchange, Market Money and Limits Control module.
 System Integration testing.
 Version Control.
 Technical documentation.
 Provided customer support and bug fixing.
 Performance Tuning.

SKB Banka Slovenia (Apr 1996 - May 1996)
• Provided technical training on Oracle database administration,Oracle Forms 4.5 and SYMBOLS System administration.
• Participated in SYMBOLS GUI Integration testing on Trade Finance module.

Mauritius Commercial Bank (May 1996)
Provided technical training on Oracle database administration, Oracle Forms 4.5 and SYMBOLS System administration.

Schroders International Merchant Bank Ltd Singapore (Jun 1996 – Aug 1997)
• Successfully Implemented Foreign Exchange and Money Market module including customizations and system integration testing.
• Implemented Global Risk Consolidation System, work included:
 User requirement study and system design.
 System development.
 User training.
 User acceptance and parallel run.
 Database Performance tuning.

Thailand Military Bank (Sep 1996 – Aug 1997)
Responsible for the implementation of Money Market and Foreign Exchange Work included:
• User requirement study and functional specifications.
• Customization and system integration testing.
• Bug fixing and version control.

Apr 1993 - Mar 1995
Company : Allied Computer Services Pte Ltd Singapore
Function : Programming Analyst

Participated in
• Accounting product development, customization and enhancement using oracle development tools. Modules involved: Account Payable, Account Receivable, Invoicing, Inventory Control, and General Ledger
• Oracle system performance tuning.

Aug 1991-Dec 1993
Company : KwangTung Development Bank, China
Function : Programming Analyst

Participated in development of retail banking system and provided user training.


M.B.A in Global eManagement Feb 2001 – Jun 2002
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Holland

B.E. in Computer Science Sep 1987 - Jul 1991
Shanghai Institute of Railway Technology, Shanghai, China




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