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Program manager strategische projecten

Program manager strategische projecten

Work Experience

I have a financial background and I am member of the IEC commission of Internal Audit. I have built a good reputation in a large variety of successful business effectiveness improvements and ICT transformation missions. I held several national and international management positions in the field of supply chain & distribution, back offices, finance, audit, corporate governance and group planning & controlling with companies such as Novartis, Clariant, Brinks, and Asco.
Sector experiences: (+ 1 year experience or a major realisation)
Trade and Industry: Pharmaceutical industry, Chemical industry, Radioactive Isotopes, Transport, Electronics, Aeronautic Industry, White goods, Brown goods, Metal Industry, Food industry, Printing companies, ICT outsourcing. Working for companies such as: Novartis, Clariant, Hospal, Gambro, The Radiochemical, Brinks, Hewlett Packard, Asco Industry, Sony, Electrolux, Wander, Maxwell group, General Motors.
Service Providers: ICT, Management Consulting, Audit and Accounting organisations. Working for companies such as: EDS & Cap Gemini Ernst and Young
Government: Working for organisations such as: MVG (SBS) & the Social Security
Bank and Finance: ING – CBHK and the Deutsche Bank
Experiences gained during local and international assignments in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands
Recent white papers and or offerings: SRM, EIS, ERP and E-Procurement
Accountant and Advisor IAB - IEC internal audit commission


Graduated in Accounting & Tax Industriele Hogeschool - Groep T Leuven
Post graduated in Finance EHSAL Brussels
Registered Accountant IAB –IEC (IAB 1995 N).
Advanced Project Manager Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
Other training: e.g. Fiscale Hogeschool - J Watson Institute - MCE Management & Accounting seminars


Cost reduction
Finance and Backoffices


Dutch French English German Spanish


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