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HR Interim Manager

HR Interim Manager

Work Experience

Since 1994 freelance consultant & interim personnel manager.
2008-present Training Manager for Provincial Fire & Recue Services.
- Reorganise Education & training department, redesign workflow.
- Introduce new training methods & programmes (national forerunner)
- Introduce quality improvement measures.
- Introduce training administration systems.
2007 Senior HR-Consultant Dutch National Instituton
- Implement relocation policies for staff to be relocated.
- Assist & guide management in renegotiating negotiate employment conditions for security officers.
- Reorganisation of services department
- Outsourcing Conference facilities
2006 Consultant for Food & Agricultural company
- interview French staff and prepapre job descriptions (HAY-method)
2006 Training Manager Regional Fire Rescue Services.
- Perform SWOT for future departmental development.
- Manage relocation of department
- Business Process redesign
- Organise workshop on crisis management for (vice) mayors.
2005 Investigation in Nursing home following irregularities.
2005 Counselling school management team
2004/6 Senior HR-Consultant Dutch National Institute involved in three consecutive projects:
1. Merger and reorganisation of two ICT departments
2. Reorganisation and closure of 3 agencies
3. Merger two Organization (PISO):
a. Merger of Personnel Departments
b. Introduction of Competence Management and general management consultancy.
c. Develop personnel policies in relation to the relocation of onde of the two organisations.
d. Member of the Talent Management Development team.
e. Hire & fire on top executive level
2002/3 Interim Head of Personnel, later Front Office (management consultancy department) of the Central Offices (500 employees) of a major Municipality
- Prepare for reorganisation (people and work-processes)
- Selection of staff for the new organisation
- Shape the new Front Office (people, structure & processes), establish training programme.
- Manage ongoing business of consultants on Personnel, Finance, I&A, Facilities management etc.
2002 Interim Head of Personnel & Training of Regional Police Force
- Address backlog in policy development
- Stimulate professional development of staff

2001 Projectmanager Dutch National Institute
- Develop Policy for exit-arrangements & reorganisation policy

Interim Head of Personnel & Training Mental Health organisation recently merged (psychiatrists, nurses psychologists etc.)
- Re-establish structure & cohesion within personnel department (ca. 15 employees)
- Integrate employee benefits
- Formulate HR-strategie

2000 Interim Manager Human Resources, IT-sector,
- Teambuilding in HR-team (8 professionals + secretary)
- Policy development
- Development of HR-reporting system
- Introduction of new job-appraisal system.

2000 Interim Manager Personnel, Organisation & IT of Municipality
- Establish & execute plans of the department.
- Initiate new personnel policies.

1999 Interim Manager Human Resources, IT-sector, three recently privatised & merged organisations)
- Rebuild HR-Department in terms of staff (5 employees), structure, procedures etc.
- Integrate employee benefits.
- Job evaluation

1998-1999 Interim Manager Personnel construction company during reorganisation (550 employees)
- Managing ongoing business of personnel department
- Advise on management structure
- Projectmanager management training programme
- Coaching permanent appointee

1998-1999 Projectmanager reorganisation concerning execution of social plan related to a reorganisation. International University.
- Chair selection committees and monitor internal selection procedures
- Negotiate exit procedures
- Advise Board of directors

1997-1998 Interim Consultant Personnel at Bank callcentres)
- Regular support and coaching of line-management
- Coördinate recruitment campagnes

Interim Manager Personnel Department Maintenace & Development department for ministry of defense
- Conflictmanagement within Department (5 employees)

1995-1996 Interim Manager Personnel in two police districts (each ca 450 medew.), Rotterdam.
- General Management of Personnel Department (ca 5 employees)
- Introduce the concept of intergal management voor district management
- Coach successor

1994 Interim tutor at a polytechnic school dept. of personnel management.
- Tutoring part-time students

previous experience:
Management consultant and trainer for ndiferent organisations
HR manager and project manager for outplacement activities.


Bachelor of Business Administration (Personnel & industrial Management, University of Oregon, USA
Master of Arts (Organisation Studies), Leeds University, UK


Result driven (patient but tenacious)
Communcative at all levels
Aims for lasting change
Strong analysis, strong vision, realistic goals.
Common sense, good sense of humour


Duth & English fluency
Good french


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