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International Interim Manager

International Interim Manager

Work Experience

20 years internationally as government relations coordinator with majors and independents in the oil exploration industry. An expert in managing cross-country pipeline projects in Latin America. Highly adept at working with joint venture local partners and managing the events surronding association agreements with national oil companies and ministries of hydrocarbons. Worked as an independent advisor to Latin governments and agencies on international procurement issues, financing and the engagement of foreign nationals with the accompagning security issues. Possesses outstanding experience on the security problems facing expatriate personnel on assignment to remote and high-risk locations.




Oustanding communicator-keeps everyone informed.
Impressive capacity to improve personnel moral in very difficult locations. Follows through no matter what.


Excellent Spanish (14 years in South America)
Very good French (4 years in Belgium plus 2 years in Algeria.)Good Italian-was fluent and now needs improvement.


Firm beliver in integrity,honesty and reliability and delvering impeccable follow-up to the Company and Customer.


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