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IT Manager/Director

IT Manager/Director

Work Experience

Interim IT at US Bank (change management of Production Services department).
Change Management IT Organization of IT company. Development of IT integration strategy of merged companies. Development of energy saving - and CO2-reduction strategies for 2 companies.


HBO, AMBI, Management eduction.


Change Manager, People Manager. Technical Background. Operates at Executive Business levels.
Core Competencies
Executive Leadership & Supervision:
•Effective a member of Org Country Management team and dealing with organizational and team aspects in The Netherlands and Belgium.
•Proven leadership with international IT change management projects.
•Proficient in providing IT leadership and expertise, including interim management, project leadership, cost analysis of IT projects and disaster recovery planning programs.
Client Relationship:
•Exceptional ability in developing and implementing customer information strategy to enhance customer value and satisfaction.

Technical knowledge & Project Management:
•Task oriented, delegate’s responsibilities for major sections of projects and ability to assign detailed tasks where applicable.
•Solid experience in broader implications of the project, managing budget, desired business outcomes and resource utilization.
•Proven talent with roll outs of systems and software applications.
•Acquired specialised talent in handling complex, multi country Information Technology environments.
•Overseeing troubleshooting of complex IT environments during many European wide implementations.

Diligently handled the following projects and achieved excellence in the growth path:
oIntegration of the complete IT envrionments of various large companies into existing organizations after acquistion activities.
o Effectively implemented various Managed Services concepts to various low cost countries.
o Rollouts of various software applications (SAP, Oracle and Lotus Domino) and consolidation of software and hardware environments.
o Defined and implemented a ‘Green IT’ concepts throughout a number of companies.


Dutch, English, French, German.


•Ad interim IT manager (change management, optimization).
•Providing expertise and support with complex international IT projects and (ERP) software roll outs.
•Managing and developing IT infrastructure and providing consultancy services to set up new Data Centers.
•Assisting and advising organizations in the area of IT outsourcing/Managed Services activities to low cost countries.
•Providing support and consultancy to organizations through development and implementation of strategies and plans to reduce CO2 emission.
•Consulting and supporting companies with their ‘Green IT’ energy initiatives.


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