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Work Experience

• 07.2007 – 09.2007 Aventures Group
Interim Chief Executive Officer

• managed this 700 USD Mio business
• led its preparation for demerger
04.2007 - 06.2007 Aventures Group, Distribution business
Managing Director

• reached profitability after a year of losses
• raised suppliers credit by 10%
• cut costs by 10%
• won distribution contracts of Canon and Acer

11.2006 - 04.2007 Aventures Group, Unitrade
Interim Director

• introduced new payment and appraisal system for field staff and managers
• increased conversion ration by 14% in 5 months
• closed loss-making stores while sustaining sales
• prepared company for sales of customization services
• led improvements of the loyalty program and increased activity of participants by 20%
• improved operators's business efficiency by improving profitability without losing volumes of sales

09.2006 - 11.2006 Aventures Group, Retail Operations Supply Chain
Interim Director

• set up new supply department for 3 retail companies of the group
• formed organizational structure
• led development and formalization of purchasing, stock management and logistics processes
• appointed key personnel in purchasing, logistics, analytical and non-operational income departments
• pulled together purchasing budgets of the 3 chains to gain price and terms advantages

02.2006 - 10.2006 Aventures Group, Melofon Company
Interim Director

• restructured operations: cut number of stores twice, but maintained sales level
• rose gross margin 30% in 5 months
• created operational manual, prepared company for further growth
• initiated management development program
• found and trained successor

09.2005 -02.2006 Private Consultant

• Advising on market entry, organizational development, segments profitability and improvement of ROI
Clients included:
Ukrainian retail company
meat processing plant
publishing company

11.2003 - 07.2005 Graphia Ukraine (turnover USD 90Mio)
First Deputy Chairman of Board (Acting CEO – March- October 2004 )

• initiated performance based payment system for production workers
• implemented system of profitability analysis by order/ brand/ customer / machine; which improved gross margin by 2,2% of sales YoY
• helped install workable cost controls- the net profit margin raised 300% YoY
• balanced effective supply chain needs and optimal working capital
• by mid 2005 ROCE increased 7 times from 2003 level/sales plus- 40%
• took part in operational improvements – late deliveries decreased two times YoY

07.1998 - 09.2003 Oriflame Ukraine (turnover of USD 50 Mio)
Finance & Administration Director

• Managing F& A, IT and Legal Departments (49 employees; 2 legal entities)
• In 2002-2003 supervised finance functions in Moldova and Azerbaijan
• Initiated creation of lean business organization, merging 5 entities to 2
• Implemented margin forecasting & control scheme for the CIS markets
• Led legal project, helping protect sales force of the company ( 150 000 )
• Member of the Balanced Score Card regional team


2005 - Open University Business administration Executive MBA – in progress
1995 - Central European University, Prague European Studies/ Strategy MA

2005 - Ukrainian SEC Stock Market Institute Certified Asset Manager
2001 - Ukrainian State Property Fund Ukrainian State Property Fund Certified Insolvency Practitioner
2000 - Certified Public Accountant exam passed with AICPA ( Maine Acc. Board)


English : fluent
German : can read literature
Czech: basic knowledge
Australian residency permit
Key experiences:
Key experiences:
-strategy development; Balanced Scorecard - for production and trade companies
-proven track record of multiple increases in ROCE
-effective team building and delegation
-restructuring and crisis management
-KPIs and benchmarking
-own brand development
- Asian sourcing
-experience of working during "corporate wars"
-experience of working in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Moldova


English : fluent
German : can read literature
Czech: basic knowledge


Australian| Ukrainian citizenship


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