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Work Experience

Free-lance experiences
1989 - till now:
Assistent to the Board of Directors, Office-manager, Project-manager, Head-Secretary in several organizations, with the following missions;
- Office Manager for the members of the board, with 7 Secretarial Assistants.
- Producer; managing an international sales-exhibition for paintings.
- Projectmanager managing the festivities around the opening of a new location.
- Setting up the administrative and selling procedures.
- Head-secretary for the management of an insurance company.
- Office manager for a company in shipscommunications.
- Secretary to the board of a Korean Electronicics organization, responsible for PR, Office Management, HRM, Finance.
- Office Manager in a softwarehouse, responsible for PR, Office Management, HRM, Finance.
- Directors Assistent to the 3 Board-Members, responsible for PR, Office Management, HRM, Finance.

1987 – 1989 :
Head Secretary for the 3 members of the Division Management, heading 2 Secretarial Assistants
1986 – 1987 :
Setting up the administration for a BV for printing adjustment
1980 - 1986 :
Secretary marketing with 2 different organizations
1978 - 1980 :
Free-lance Hostess for different Hostess-agencies
1973 - 1978 :
Secretary/Office Manager
1972 - 1973 :
Manager in a multiple-shop in textiles
1970 - 1972 :


Mulo A, with certificate 1968
Secretaryschool Schoevers
Sales training (several)
Project Management
Automation for Users
MS Word, MS-Excell
Sarted a study Dutch Law at the Open University. Up till now I have finis-hed the modules Basis Recht, Staatsrecht, Strafrecht. Busy with the modules Bestuursrecht,- Privaat-recht en Rechtsgeschiedenis.


- Projectmanager, communicator, motivator, peoplemanager


- Dutch, fluently (mother tongue)
- English, fluently
- French, good
- German, good
- Spanish, basic
- Italian, basic


- No smoker
- Drivers licence for normal cars


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