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Program & Line Management

Program & Line Management

Work Experience

Dirk joined Siemens Business Services early 2003. Currently Dirk is acting as Service 6 Delivery Manager on the current MVG-contract since November 2002. Before this he was responsible already since mid 2002 for the entire program management for the application portfolio of the department of Education within the same outsourcing contract.
One of his major previous assignments was a program management role for the implementation of a management information system, in a worldwide concern for distributing consumer goods based in Madrid, Spain. In this role, he assisted the customer in defining the implementation strategy and planning for their management system for the sales and distribution process, as well on the deployment of the new system in the different affiliates, spread worldwide. Additionally, integrating the year 2000 solution in the new system increased complexity and massive impact of the project.
He acquired key business skills in the software industry where he managed complex commercial and service projects, i.e. setting up an international sales & support organization. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, USA he planned and rolled out the complete infrastructure and organization worldwide. Part of his experience was also more commercial when he established and developed contacts with customers, national authorities and business partners. Implementation of new contractual frameworks, preparing tenders and negotiating contracts with customers and suppliers have complemented his commercial skills.
His managerial and organizational skills are leveraged by a good technical knowledge level, build up during several years of working experience in a large ICT-organization. The variety of tasks and duties he performed within the large IBM organization enabled him to operate successfully in different industrial and services environments.
Dirk is a flexible person, working well in multinational and multicultural environments. He communicates easily with customers, partners and team members. He learns fast and adapts immediately to new business environments.
Work Experience
· As Service 6 Delivery Manager he was responsible for the entire development for the Ministry of the Flemish Community. This means, beside the regular maintenance of the current application portfolio, he was in charge of coordinating and managing the >100 development projects that were ongoing, realised by 185 people in a dedicated development/testing environment.
Budget: 38 M €
People: 185
· He acted as contract and service manager for Sara Lee - Douwe Egberts, one of the major coffee production companies worldwide. He took the responsibility of supporting the entire production, sales, marketing and accounting processes through a application management services contract for their SAP environment using FI/CO/CA/PA, MM, SD, PP. For this AMS contract Dirk was responsible for the contract follow-up as well for the complete delivery management which includes as well managing the customer on executive level as supervising the key people - assisting the Douwe Egberts SAP-team in delivering and performing the different tasks for the complete SAP environment.
Budget 2.5 M €
People: 12
· He managed and supported in the same area of AM contracts one of Belgiums major insurance companies who takes part of the worldwide ING concern. This company is supporting their business through a complete IT-environment based upon a IBM mainframe platform. As contracting and service manager he was responsible for the profit & loss of the project. Resource planning & project management were key functions he fulfilled during this period
Budget: 1.75 M €
People: 15
· As program manager managing the QMS - the quality program within Cap Gemini Ernst & Young – on the internal SAP competence center based upon Cap Gemini Ernst & Young PERFORM. Acting as bid and contracting manager and reviewing the risk process for different SAP projects controlling and reviewing the proposal and delivery process for the SAP projects in Belgium and Luxembourg.
· Program manager for the scope definition of the e-business based Swedish company Jobline, defining the new business processes for their online job recruitment system running in 11 European companies. Jobline is a young (1999) company focused on recruiting on European base, generating currently a turnover of 250m. Euro for their last fiscal year.
Ø Definition of business requirements translated into a new IT-architecture supporting the Internet activities.
Ø Program and cost definition for the new system to be delivered 1Q 2001.
Ø Delivery of the project plan and rollout for the new e-business system.
· Program manager for McDonald’s European IT Services Group. Roles within this deployment are :
Ø management and control of the integration process of a new hard- and software platform for the point-of-sales (POS) in the new store management system
Ø build, define and plan the strategy for the new web enabled store management system, including the front and back office solutions

· Program manager for the implementation of a management information system, in a worldwide concern for distributing consumer goods based in Madrid. As large organization, El Corte Inglès, with his 125 000 employees worldwide, guaranteed a wide variety of areas involved in the process, based upon a multicultural and multinational infrastructure. Defining the implementation strategy and planning for the sales and distribution process, as well the deployment of the new system in the different affiliates spread worldwide, were the key elements in this residential assignment. Including the year 2000 compliance of their legacy systems made this even more complex.
Budget: 8.000 M ESP
People: 110
· Based in Phoenix, Arizona, USA he planned and rolled out the complete infrastructure and organization worldwide for Viasoft, a major software constructor NASDAQ quoted since 1994. Part of his experience was also more commercial when he established and developed contacts with customers, national authorities and business partners. Implementation of new contractual frameworks, preparing tenders and negotiating contracts with customers and suppliers have complemented his commercial skills.
Budget: 20 M US$
People: 85 worldwide
· A good technical knowledge level leveraged his managerial and organizational skills, build up during several years of working experience with IBM. The variety of tasks and duties he performed within this large organization enabled him to operate successfully within different industrial and services environments

Career History
· Siemens Business Services 2003 - present
· Cap Gemini Ernst & Young 2000 - 2002
· El Corte Inglès (Spain - Madrid)1996 - 1999
· Viasoft (USA - Phoenix)
Ø International Service Director 1996 - 1992
Ø International Distribution 1988 – 1992
· Management Share BV (Brussels - Amsterdam) 1986 – 1992
· Intersys (Paris) 1984 – 1986
· IBM 1978 – 1985


Personal Details

Married with 2 children
Brussels based
Born 1953
Belgian and international passport
Master Applied Economic Sciences (KUL)
Master Marketing & Marketing Communications (KUL)
Computer Sciences (KUL)


Key Business Skills
· Management of international projects in multicultural environments
· Development of customer and business partner relations
· Management of commercial and distribution organisations
· Implementation of new contractual frameworks
· Logistics, stock inventory and warehousing
· Distribution and financial environment
· Program / project management
· Change/Integration Management
· Scope & Issue management

Key Technical Skills
· Integrated management information systems
· E-Business
· Commercial and distribution systems
· Project management applications


Languages: Dutch native
French fluent
English fluent
German fluent
Spanish fluent
Italian notions
Danish notions


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