Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

Large systems, large server environment, MVS-environment
Integrity and data security strategy, projects, evaluation, "fail-safe"-analysis
Elaboration of long term IT-strategy, technology evaluation and cost effectiveness of choices
Market analysis, competitiveness, "best of breed", benchmarking
Project planning, MVS, RACF, SAP.
Solution and product development, product management and product marketing for large systems and
networks, e-business, etc.
Skill management, project management in intercultural environments
Technology projects of the European Union
Automation projects banking sector, logistics, automotive


Master degree in Biophysics(Bucharest) and IBM training for System Engineers(Zurich)
Expert evaluator for telecommunication projects registered with the European Commission


Business strategy elaboration and assessment, IT-strategy elaboration and evaluation of future-technologies
Project leadership technics and human resource management
Product and supplier selection
MVS, RACF, PL/1, APL, FORTRAN, COBOL, OO_design, logistics projects with SAP-tools


German, English
French, Hungarian
Rumanian, some Russian,some Italian and some Finnish


Work and living experience in Switzerland, France, USA, UK, Scandinavia, Germany, Hungary, Rumania.


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