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Project manager, teamleider

Project manager, teamleider

Work Experience

1/2002-now Support for the Portuguese Telephone company (consultancy, design and implementation of correction programs, maintenance activities).
Project manager for a migration project (UNIX-Windows) for the city of Luxembourg, involving 6 services and 5 development partners.
Design and implementation of a XML/GML based interface for geo information.
Activities – Telecom GIS
11/1998-12/2001 Consultant, technical project leader (10 persons) and system architect for a development project at Siemens GmbH. Creation of a new telecom GIS system (Netminister-OSP) for Philippine Long Distance Telephone company (Pldt).
08/1995-11/1998 Consultant, system architect and implementation assistant for the development of SICAD-Telcom-Line, a Siemens telecom GIS product to be internally used in Indonesia and Columbia.
02/1994-08/1995 Leader of the Siemens team for the data capture and data integration of situation maps and schematic maps for the Grafico Project of the Swiss PTT, Telecom division. This was a Siemens-Nixdorf project.
05/1990-02/1994 Development of a SICAD-Telecom product. This product is still in use in Portugal.
Assistance in many telecom related tenders, benchmarks and projects:
PTT Telecom (KPN – Dutch Telecom), Deutsche Telekom (Germany), British Telecom, Irish Telecom, Telfort (Netherlands), Telefónica (Spain), BelgaCom (Belgium), Armée de Terre (France), Stadt Duisburg (Germany), Swiss PTT (Switzerland), Télécom France and the Tunisian telecom company.
11/1989-04/1990 Design and implementation of a telecom solution for the Australian Telecom benchmark, based on the Siemens (Nixdorf) SICAD product.

Activities – GIS related
11/1999-02/2000 Problem solving for PNEM/Essent, an electricity distributor in the Netherlands
11/1989-01/1996 Small projects for Electricité de Strasbourg and Ville de Luxembourg.
02/1987-11/1989 Sales support and technical team leader.
Projects for Gaz de France, Mairie de Toulon, Electricité de Strasbourg, Usine d’electricité de Metz and Cabinet Dupont.
Pilot projects and benchmarks for a large number of cities: Paris, CUS (Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg), COURLY (Communauté Urbaine de Lyon), Dijon, Laval, Rennes, Nantes, Biarritz, Saint Denis.
09/1980-02/1987 Projects:
Introduction of an electricity application at the Gemeentewerken (civil works department) in Rotterdam
Realisation of a surveying application for PNEM.


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Theoretische chemie met Wiskunde en Natuurkunde.
Universiteit van Utrecht, Wetenschappelijk assistent.


Open character, sense of humor, pragmatic, solution finder.
Ability to direct people.
The first contact with computers was in 1969. Algol programs were written on the X8 computer of the Mathematisch Instituut (Amsterdam). After that, I worked with Wang, CDC, Siemens Mainframes, Sun, HP, SGI, Intel.
Operating systems
Experience is present with:
Intel : DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95 en Windows NT.
Unix : SunOX, HPUX, Irix.
Mainframes: NOS, BS2000,

Currently: C#, .NET,XML/GML, VC++, Visual Basic, C, COM/ATL, RogueWave. Some experience with MFC.
Anterior: Fortran (fortran77), BS2000 Assembler, SPL (Sicad programming language), C.

System and design methodologies
In France I worked with Merise, in the Netherlands I used SDM. Some experience with Rational Rose (UML) is present. In Siemens related projects the internal methodologies were applied.


Dutch, French, German and English, all spoken and written.


SQL, DB design.
Use of Office products (Access, Word, Excel), also on a programming level (ADO, VBA).
Working knowledge of ClearCase and SCCS (source control systems).
Design patterns (GoF).

currently develops an application, where a proprietary data base format (stored in Oracle) is made accessible with COM. The thus created COM objects can be used in VB applications. Since the objects are GIS objects, they can be visualised.


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