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IT director/Ptoject manager

IT director/Ptoject manager

Work Experience

PROFILE: IT project manager in Information and Telecommunication Systems.
IT Europe manager.

Manage IT projects in an international environment
Carrier Objective
• IT contract and operations management in an IT service provider company

• Management of IT projects in an international environment from vendor selection, architecture design, implementation and day to day operations.

• Management of multicultural, cross functional project team aiming to business process changes: Pan European Logistic outsourcing/centralisation, pan European support centres (customers call centres, centralisation of financial services),CRM project.
Areas of competencies and major accomplishments
Business support

- Design and implementation of IT systems to support company acquisitions
- Design and implementation of Oracle Financial software (ERP) and Lotus Notes to support the networked company commercial activities (1200 users).

- Design and implementation of pan European call centres to support customers services and centralisation of pan European financial services.

- Set up and management of contracts for clients in an IT service provider company .

Information systems:
- Implementation of Oracle Financials ERP in 15 countries in Europe. Set up of a centralised Data Centre.

- Implementation of Lotus Notes intranet to support the sales field organisation (300 people) and the company messaging (1200 users in Europe, 4000 people world-wide)

- management of outsourcing projects for clients in an IT service provider company.


IT Account manager 2000- Nov 2002 Steria

- accounts management in the outsourcig business
- business development with the client
- quality control
- project management

European IT manager 1990 1999

- Implementation of Oracle Financial / manufacturing ERP in 15 countries build on a centralised network and data centre architecture. Implementation of Business Object decision support tool. Support of pan European and centralised business activities (Logistic, financial transactions) 1992-1997

- Implementation of an intranet (Lotus Notes) to support the sales force (250 people) and the company internal messaging (4000 people world-wide, 1500 Europe) 1994 1997.

- Set up a centralised pan European IT support team. Centralised pan-European data centre and NT servers network management. Pan European frame relay network management. 1995-1999

- IT support for company activities (acquisitions,..) 1994

- Y2K and Euro project manager. 1999

- Implementation of Pan European Finance and Customer Support centers 1999

European IT manager 1982 1990

Management of a distributed pan-European IT information system built on Hewlett Packard hardware:

- Hardware vendor evaluation and pan-European implementation
- Application software evaluation, development of custom code and implementation

European IT manager 1975 1982

- Centralised pan-European data centre management ( IBM)
- Implementation of a pan-European terminals network
- Company support (acquisitions,..)







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