Flex Manager
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Change manager

Change manager

Work Experience

5/01 – 9/04 Manager Procesmanagement & Staff (member MT), debitel Operations Netherlands. Responsible for process development and implementation of organisational change in debitel´s operation and distribution channels. Furthermore responsible for Performance management & Planning.
Accountable for the functional development of key workflow systems. Reviewing Feasibility Studies and Business Cases. Indirect managing the departments Procesmanagement, Projectmanagement, Planning & Control, Training and Support. Managing a diversity of change and business development projects, like: Operational integration debitel-Talkline; restructuring mobile distribution. Direct report to the General Manager Operations.

9/99 - 2/01 Manager Marketing & Sales ad interim (member MT), KPN Callcenter Services. Responsible for the transition of the departments Marketing & Sales, Communication and Customer Service to the new start-up KPN Callcenters. Furthermore responsible for the implementation of contract management, pricing models and Performance management in the new start-up. Negotiating new contracts and Service Level Agreements. Contribute to the e-commerce strategy and business/product development. Direct report to the Director Callcenter Services.

9/97 - 7/99 Marketing/Callcenter Manager (member MT), Aristo Raad Adviesgroep/Nationale Hypotheeklijn.
Responsible for developing Customer Relations and contact strategies, Performance management, Marketing Communication, lead/prospect generation and service delivery. Managing the start-up of a dedicated Callcenter (inbound & outbound; 45 seats; 150 employees) and supporting processes and systems. Managing external partnerships. Direct report to the shareholder.

4/96 - 9/97 Callcenter manager, Noorderkroon Adviesgroep (OHRA).
Responsible for developing contact strategies, Performance management, lead/prospect generation and service delivery

1/95 - 4/96 Project manager ISO9001/VCA**, Verhoeven Elektrotechnische Bedrijven. (VEB; Industrial hard/software production)
Responsible for the upgrading of the Quality system according ISO 9001 norm and developing en implementing a safety-system according to VCA** (VCA** for Business Unit Industry).

4/92 - 1/95 Project manager Direct Marketing, Foon Factory
Responsible for Direct Marketing projects like developing DM-databases and implementing DM-techniques, managing direct marketing actions. Also supporting the development of Performance management an loyalty management programms.


1994 - 1997 Certificates Business Administration at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (KUN).
Courses: Marketing II(level NIMA C-), Finance, Automatisation, Organizational analyses, Organizational design and Organizational change.
1991 - 1993 Certificate Business-science (KUN), Nijmegen.
1989 - 1991 Political science propaedeutical examination(KUN), Nijmegen.
1988 - 1989 School Reserve Officieren Kader Infanterie (SROKI) (military service), Ermelo
1987 VWO certificates, Deventer


Mensgericht, zakelijk, analitisch, communicatief, Open, gericht op samenhang


Change management; CRM; contactcenters; business development


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