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Consultant / Information Analist

Consultant / Information Analist

Work Experience

Branche: Government
Company: City of The Hague – Service for City Development – Environm. & Permits
Period: january 2003 till now
Function: Consultant
Functional area: Internet

Activities: Doing an inventarisation of wishes and demand at the Service for City Development.This was intented in order to set up a solution set in order to realize transparancy in information to citizens and companies. Within this the disclosure of different, already available information will be joined with information withdrawn by the companies themselvers. Based on the report written, the City of The Hague wil realise a website in 2003, in order to realize this transparency. Also the functional design, as well as the upcoming projectmanagement are supposed to be implemented by myself.

Branche: Business Services
Period: June 2001 till now
Function : Project Manager, Consultant
Functional area: Networking, Office automation, E-business, Intranet, Internet, Content & Document Management
Technical: ASP, TCP/IP, LAN Design, Exchange2000, Small Business Server 2000, W2K, SQL

Activities: Several projects in the fields of: networking, infrastructure and internet development. In this, I was practicing advising, functional design and project management. Several smaller projects like:

- KNBSB (Base- en Softball Union): Writing the ICT strategy for the usage of IT for the next 5 to 10 years.
- Cadform: Advise for the realization of an extranet and intranet, as well as realizing them
- EPN: Project manager in realizing a new website, www.epn.net.
- Petra de Kleermaeker Makelaardij BV: Account management and project manager in improving their website.
- Quarant ICT Services: Project Manager for the project “Migration to Small Business Server 2000, Windows XP and Mobile Information Server
- O2 the Netherlands: Setting up a business proposal for the cooperation with O2 in offering Mobile Information Server in combination with the XDA (PDA with integrated phone)

Branche: Media
Company: Veronica Uitgeverij BV
Period: June 2001 till June 2002
Function: Project Manager
Functional area: Networking, Office automation, Internet
Technical: W2K, Exchange2000, GroupWise, Cisco components, LAN design, WAN design, ATM, STM,
Oracle 8i, Unix/Solaris, eSafe, l3 switching, TCP/IP, AppleTalk, IPX/SPX

Activities: Managing several project in the fields of: networking, office automation and website, like:
- Exchange 2000 implementation and migration; the replacement of the Groupwise environment (Novell) to a Microsoft Exchange environment, including the migration of every single mailbox from the old to the new environment (without losing any data – one of the demands)
- Replacement of all networking components; Veronica was using old 3Com devices, which were replaced by Cisco components, according to a newly defined network design. The network design is allowing growth for 3 years approximately.
- Design and development of www.veronicamagazine.nl, the online version of the Veronica Magazine. This site is based on a database, which is automatically feeded by the NOS (public channel – the Netherlands) and InfoMedia (Luxembourg). The uploader was part of the development.
- Selection process of a new vendor of WAN, internet and colocation services.

Branche: Business Services
Company: Spider in the Web
Period: februari 2000 t/m mei 2001
Function: Consultant
Functional area: Office automation, Internet, Intranet, E-business

Activities: Spider in the Web was an organization, which I founded, together with 3 partners. Subtitle of the organization was: E-strategy & Reality. Spider in the Web set up e-strategies for organizations and supported organizations in the implementations of these strategies (reality). Activities: project manager, consultant, information analist.

Spider in the Web was founded as a result of an intranet concept devoloped by myself. In this concept I start at the available information, companies have stored in databases. By so called ‘cross-linking’ it is made possible to get very rich information from existing information sources. This concept is knows as: “The Intuitive Intranet”.

Companies like Cap Gemini and Microsoft were very positive on the concept and named it a 3rd generation intranet (end of 1999), Microsoft also titled it one of the first “Digital Nerve Networks”.

Branche: Government
Company: Province of Utrecht (through Spider in the Web)
Period: February 2001
Function: Consultant
Functional area: Workshop, Internet, Intranet, Content Management Systems
Choice: SmartSite, Gauss VIP, Tridion, BroadVision, Vignette

Activities: Doing a workshop for investigating the possibilities of the implementation of a Content Management System for the Province of Utrecht. This for filling the internet and intranet.

Branche: Financiële services
Company: MediaVentures (through Spider in the Web)
Period: February 2000 till Januari 2001
Function: Information Analist / Project Manager
Functional area: Office automation, Information Analysis Financial Processes
Technical: LAN, Windows Terminal Server, W2K, Oracle 11i (DB: 8i; CRM: 11i), Thin Clients, Navision, LIMO

Activities: MediaVentures was an, in February 2000 founded, organisation, set up from scratch. Spider in the Web was responsible for all ICT developments. MediaVentures aimed at the financial markett for morgages and employee benefits.

I started at setting up the office automation of MediaVentures (based on Terminal Server en thin client werkstations).

After that I worked within two fields:
- Information Analysis for the fully automated supply of mortgage offers.
- Designing the back-office environment, based on Oracle CRM 11i.

These activities have been executed in cooperation with Oracle, Cap Gemini, LIMO and Navision.

Branche: Education
Company: eClass (through Spider in the Web)
Period: December 2000 till March 2001
Function: Consultant, Information Analist
Functional area: E-learning
Technique: DFD, STD, ERD

Activities: Setting up a process in which students and teachers of the highschools can order educative webcontent and through which the 5 biggest Dutch book suppliers can offer webcontent. This all comparable with the existing system of ordering books. Next to describing the process I worked on designing the connection of this environment om the “Kennisnet” (Knowledge Net) infrastructure based on LDAP.

Branche: Flowers
Company: Zwapak (through Spider in the Web)
Period: Juni 2000 till November 2000
Function: Consultant
Functional area: Business Plan

Activities: Setting up a business plan, for realizing an e-business organization as a daughter company of Zwapak. This organization had to enter the market on its own en was based on low margins and high quantities.

Branche: Business Services
Company: Twynstra Gudde
Period: October 1997 till January 2000
Function: Consultant
Technical: WinNT 4.0, IIS 4.0, ASP, DHTML, PeopleSoft HRM, CODA Financials, SQL

Activities: After doing on internship about the development of an intranet amd also developing the concept of a “Intuitive Intranet”, I started as a project leader at Twynstra Gudde. I thought out and had developed the current intranet of Twynstra Gudde. This Intranet, “Columbus”, still is used in almost the exact same form as it was started. Intuitive has to do with cross-linking several information resources, by which it is possible to acquire a lot of information from several information sources in a very short time, without having to address these systems separately.

Besides the Intranet, I have been working on the project management of developing systems for the Business Unit Healthcare. PEPZIE (Programme of Demands System for Hospitals) and KOBIS (Cost and Income Information System) were the two systems which were integrated within the intranet through a web interface.


VWO (High School) 87/93
University of Twente, Business Information Techn. 93/00

Skill trainings:

- Microsoft Project 98/2000/XP (Syntegra)
- Project Wise Working (Twynstra Gudde)


- Internet solutions
- Intranet environments
- E-commerce / E-business
- Business Services
- Process- en Information Analysis


- Dutch (mother tongue)
- English (fluently)
- French (average/poor)
- German (average)
- Spanish (poor)


Working Experience:

A project manager with some years of experience in the area of informationtechnology and information supply. Special expertise on usage of Internet technology.


An energetic and driven personality, with a good feeling into the given problem situation(s) and/or area as well as a strong urge to solving problems.


- Professional
- Analytic
- Communicative
- Accurate
- Stress resistent


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