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Marketing manager

Marketing manager

Work Experience

1988 - 1989 Independent management consulting partnership
Specialising in interim management, marketing, IT and business development.

2001 In addition to the publication of the traditional OS maps that are known and loved throughout the land, Ordnance Survey is also the UK’s leading supplier of digital mapping data for uses such as geographic information systems (GIS), location-based services, telematics and global positioning systems (GPS). These digital products represent over 60% of Ordnance Survey’s £100M turnover.

Wilkins Consultancy led a number of multi-disciplinary teams in undertaking a comprehensive review of the OS portfolio of digital brands, covering:
· Target market sectors and market share
· Market drivers and needs
· Development of value propositions
· Product positioning
· Competitor analysis
· Channel review and partner channel development
· Promotional messages and campaigns
· Product development requirements
· Product retirement strategies with relation to OS’s forthcoming new service DNF (Digital National Framework)
· 3-year P&L forecasts by product

In addition, the review also identified specific target market promotional campaigns, and skills development needs within the brand management teams.

2000 – 2001 Interim Marketing Manager – CareerDemon.com. Marketing strategy and marketing communications planning, launch programme management for a new web-based psychometric testing and career guidance service. Initially targeted at undergraduate students, but with a strategy to address further groups needing careers advice. This included:

· Market and competitor analysis
· Product value proposition definition
· Channel strategy
· Launch communications planning
· Third party portal selection and negotiation
· Collateral design and production
· Market testing and branding development
· PR strategy

Launched in March 2001 with test marketing at two Universities and a full launch to over 600,000 students at some 60 Universities, CareerDemon registered over 1000 students in the first six weeks. Follow-on campaigns are targeted at mid 20’s disenchanted employees and the female return-to-work segment.

2000 Business plan development, marketing planning and launch programme management for debis, the IT services subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler:

· Product definition, proposition evaluation and development
· Research into the potential UK market for a SAP ASP business specific to automotive component manufacturers
· UK and US competitor analysis
· Pricing structures
· Test marketing
· 3-year sales and P&L forecasts
· Launch marketing communication plan, including collateral production, press relations and trade marketing programmes
· Production of a business plan for approval by the German debis board.

2000 Interim Manager – Internet and WAP card payment services, NatWest Bank. Manager of a Group function co-ordinating the launch of secure credit/debit/payment card processing services for consumer and business-to-business sales over the internet and WAP mobile phones.

1999 – 2000 Review of services, positioning and value propositions, development of the marketing strategy for Clarient, a knowledge management consultancy.

1999 Interim Database Marketing Manager for Shell Europe Oil Products. Responsible for creating a Pan-European database marketing operation capable of driving direct marketing programmes over 26 European countries.

1998 Interim Marketing Director of Rand Information Systems, a long-standing UK IT services company, part of the French CS Group. This involved developing the 3 year business plan, including the marketing strategy for an entry to services in data warehousing, call centres and electronic commerce. Also the definition of short term marketing programmes in systems re-engineering, migration and applications management.

1997 – 1998 Industri-Matematik is the Swedish-based supplier of a supply-chain management software product. Worked with the UK subsidiary to review the product value propositions, competitor positioning, marketing messages and marketing programmes, and to undertake customer and prospect win/loss debriefs and competitor awareness reviews. This was extended to the production of the European Field Marketing plan and the definition and management of the UK pilot of IMI’s major world-wide marketing programme for “Beyond ERP”, resulting in IMI being recognised as the global leader in their market.

1996 – 1998 Marketing management and consultancy services to Origin UK, including marketing planning and business development for several service businesses and vertical sector groups. These include the SAP, Baan and QAD implementation practices, the electronic commerce and millennium businesses and the ICI major account team.

1995 – 1996 ICI Systems was the IT systems business of ICI Plc. Provided interim sales and marketing management for the launch of the business in the non-ICI marketplace, managing a team located in Cheshire, Teesside and Rotterdam. This involved defining the target markets, service products and business positioning, designing and executing marketing programmes, and implementing professional commercial and sales processes. In addition, helped prepare ICI Systems for acquisition by Philips Electronics’ IT services subsidiary Origin.

1994 – 1997 Horizon NHS Trust provides care to people with learning disabilities living in specialist hospitals, preparing and helping them to move into new homes in the community. Developed the Trust's Information Systems Strategy and advised Horizon on strategic IT developments and contractual relationships with suppliers of IT services. This has included potential partners for the implementation, roll-out and outsourcing of an IT system handling care management, client administration, business management and resource management.

1992 – 1995 Enfield Polymers is a small company manufacturing treated fabric products such as shower curtains, roller blinds and vinyl-coated table cloths. Among a wide variety of projects undertaken in an interim management role are:

ISO9002 registration. The design and implementation of the quality system, auditing and quality management.

IT systems. Development, implementation and support of a sales and marketing system on a PC network. Procurement of hardware and external specialist services.

Marketing. Review of marketing strategy to retail outlets and end-users. Design and implementation of marketing campaigns to retailers, distributors, large hotel chains, contract caterers and the NHS. Management of press relations and advertising.

Other projects include:

Analysis and change management of the manual procedures for the spares business of Dowty Aerospace.

Business Process Analysis of the spares and repairs business of Smiths Industries Aerospace Division.

Marketing Audit for Mediatrack, a consultancy tracking and evaluating media coverage.

1989 - 1992 DATA LOGIC LTD.

1991 - 1992 Associate Director, Commerce and Finance Sector.

Manager of an IT services business unit of 35 staff addressing the commerce and finance markets, e.g. Banking, insurance, building societies, retail, media, travel and leisure. Responsible for all aspects of the sector business including sales management, staff, production, planning and P&L management.

Services covered consultancy and IT system development in open systems, networked PC systems and relational database systems.

The main achievements were: on-target financial performance, sales prospect generation campaigns resulting in increased customer base and trebling of prospects, and the establishment of a marketing alliance with Cranfield Institute of Technology to provide consultancy in change management, business re-engineering and organisational development applied to IS/IT.

1989 - 1991 Marketing Manager

Marketing for the Professional Services Division, and Corporate marketing services.
Activities included: Production and implementation of the marketing plan, definition of service offerings, implementation of marketing programmes, direct mail, seminars, telemarketing, customer satisfaction and market awareness research, business statistics and sales prospects analysis, selection and appointment of press agency, literature design and production


B. Sc. London


marketing management, sales management, IT,internet, communication




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