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Project/ programma Manager Online

Project/ programma Manager Online

Werkervaring interimmanager

Have been working as project manager and consultant for Banks/ Telco/ Internet since 1997.

- RTL Nederland
- Triodos Bank
- Rabobank
- Habitat for Humanity

Type of projects managed:
- Internet/ intranet, redesign, new functionalities
- (International) rollout
- CMS selection, implementation, (re)organisation

Size of projects
- Budget, 1 million+
- Hours, 25+ FTE

Program manager implementation of new international website Triodos
Triodos decided to design and implement a new corporate website and new sites for the local banks (for the Dutch, Belgium, English and Spanish branches)
As program manager I was closely involved in translating the strategy into requirements, design, development and implementation. I prepared decision making for an international Steering Committee, I lead the core team and I managed various suppliers.
The new sites are well visited, are liked and seem to convert well.

Freelance Project Manager Digital
Projects for various TV-program related websites and apps. The best known website I managed the project for, was the new website of 'Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden' (GTST), which was designed and developped for PC and Tablet.

Opleiding interimmanager

- MBA Crossmedia
- WO Bedrijfseconomie
- Prince2

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

- Project / Program Management (Prince2 certified)
- Consulting Management teams and steering commitees on internet and website related topics
- Understanding business requirements, translating those into solutions and making those specific
- Managing development teams (functional, graphical, interaction, technical, etc), including third parties locally and abroad (outsourced). Understanding what is needed to help the project succeed

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch, English, German


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