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(Project) Manager

(Project) Manager

Work Experience

1-10-98 – 1-09-01:

short description Interim management at Shell Services International B.V. (SSI)
Day to day management of 4 departments within Shell’s IT- 7*24-operations.
Started as Team Lead for Network Control, which operates and controls Shell’s global infrastructure. March 1999 InformationAccess operations was added to my responsibilities and in January 2001 also Mainframe, AS/400 & Media library and SAP operations.
Amongst my responsibilities were regular SLA-meetings with various suppliers, keeping up-to-date with customer desires and taking care new systems are introduced into the operational environment in a structured fashion.
Also, of course, twice a year appraisal of about 50 contractor and permanent staff was my responsibility.

All 7*24 hour operation will gradually close down, as a consequence of automation and moving tasks to other parts of the globe and organise the business in a follow the sun fashion. I’ve played an active part in the project to realize just that.

I was part of the Escalation Management Team.
1-5-98 – 1-10-98:

short description Manage project at InterPay re development and implementation of new system for inter-bank transfers.
To replace the old, not Y2K compliant, system and take care it is “Euro-proof”.
This for international and national inter-bank transfers like telegiro and 8007.
Parties involved are: De Nederlandsche Bank, InterPay and all Dutch banks who don’t use a Host-connection to InterPay.
1-12-97 – 1-3-98

short description Project management realisation test environment for the Y2000 project at Albert Heijn
Realisation of a completely separated test environment for Y2000 testing. Manage a team of systems programmers and DB2 dba’s.
10-11-97 – 1-12-98

short description Project management upgrade systems software and products like DB2, Landmark, Boole & Babbage etc. on the mainframe for the Y2000 project Albert Heijn.
Upgrade of all mainframe systems software en products which are not Y2000 compliant. Control on the inventory and investigation done by IBM.
17-11-97 – 12-12-97

short description Project assessment/audit PTT Post
Together with a colleague project manager, by means of interviews and investigations on project documentation, establish if their “standard work seat project” could succeed if they continued it the way they handled and organised it.
19-08-97 – 1-12-98

short description Project management upgrade MVS/ESA to OS/390 R3 Albert Heijn
Upgrade partly for Y2000. Control on time/money box. Manage 5 systems programmers. Arrange for tests to take place and test resources to be available. This project invloves all of Albert Heijn and Ahold.
21-05-97 – 1-10-98

short description Project management implementation standard work seat Philips Sound & Vision
Project management roll-out of 280 work seats as a pilot.
Windows NT based servers and Windows 95 seats.
Design and execute (administrative) procedures for this roll-out.
07-04-97 -- 13-06-96

short description: Advise and conduct network management IS&T Applied Materials at Badhoevedorp.
Conduct network management on management level. Back-up for IS&T manager. Organise and maintain contacts with suppliers.
01-07-96 -- 31-03-97:
Project management upgrade CICS/MVS 2.1.2 to CICS/ESA 4.1, Albert Heijn.

01-02-96 -- 30-06-96:
Test co-ordinator, AT&T-Unisource.

01-08-95 -- 31-01-96:
Consultant network management and design, Ministry of defence.

01-10-94 -- 30-06-95:
Technical Project manager, PTT Telecom Operator Services.

01-10-93 -- 30-09-94:
Organisation and realisation of LAN-management, ITIL based, PTT Telecom Operator Services.


3 years Computer Science, University of Leiden
Mansal Project management
Service Excelence


Experience with:

- Netware, SNA, TCP/IP
- C, Pascal, COBOL, Dibol, IDMS tools, CICS
- OS/2, DOS, Unix (various dialects), Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT, MVS, BS2000
- MS-Project, Lotus, Excel, Word, WordPerfect (DOS and Windows)


Dutch, English


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