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Project manager //Consultant

Project manager //Consultant

Work Experience

1996 - 2002 March *** Area manager International, Alcatel Telecommunications Netherlands. Operation department.
Certificate com-pany ISO 9001.

- Organise the installation and testing of the SDH & WDM equipment major, beside, last times involved GSM operations.
- Keep the contacts between the client, internal departments and subcontractors.
- Control and supervised installation testing and commissioning.
- Instructed the different subcontractors and field engineers regarding the installations, specifications and the needed as-built information.
- Budget responsible for projects in area and countrywide (Europe).

* Realised improvement of quality and gained time with respect to the existing communication lines internal and time planning.

1986 - 1996 *** Project and construction manager, employed by NKF Kabel B.V., Project Department. Certificate com-pany ISO 9001.

** Supervisor: construction of the local telephone network (civil and cable) in Ghana.

- Preparation and quality control of construction of manholes and hand-holes; laying duct pipes; erection of telephone poles and installation of cable.
- Instructed the different subcontractors regarding the installations specifications and the needed as-built information.
- Progress control and supervision of material flow.

* Realised improvement of quality and gained time with respect to the time planning.

** Sr. technical advisor for CATV systems in Turkey in the towns Ankara and Adana. In a consortium with NKF, PKI (Philips Germany) and STFA (local construction company).
- Survey areas for the actual situation.
- Set up digitising the information (ACAD11) and drawing planning.
- Preparation of installation specifications. Set up, prepared and give courses for partner and client personal (PTT).
- Engineering CATV installation according to specifica-tions, put in materials and cost.
- Quality control of the installation, testing and commissioning.

* Setting up the local engineering department, with a self framed application program (ACAD11 and EXCEL).

** Construction manager/supervisor: Installing the tele-com-munica-tion parts of oil pipelines in Iraq (turnkey project).

- Organise the construction, installation and testing of the equipment, for a good working telecommunication connec-tion between the stations along the oil pipe line. (Optic fibre cable- and radio wave links).
- Supervised installation of antennas and testing radiolinks.
- Placed underground and above ground containers sup-plied with a passive cooling system. Inside equipped with trans-mission equipment for, telephone-lines, radio-links and optical fibre cable.
- Supervising optic fibre cable laying, ± 720 km.
- Construction and testing of the power facilities, solar power and gener-ators.
- Prepare maintenance, planning and carried out maintenance, partly with client personal (practical education).

** Project manager and representative for a pilot project to construct/install ± 300 km optic fibre cable (figure eight cables) and equipment, for the national Zimbabwe railway company NRZ (turn key project).

- Preparation of the project and engineering.
- Set up and controlling the planning.
- Checking the installation of the figure eight cable, installation of the equipment, testing and commissioning.
- Controlling project budget.

* In spite of problems with transport, handing over one month earlier than planning.

1993 - Present *** During my "Netherlands" periods co-ordinate projects and work for engineering department.

- Co-ordinate and tune in the different departments and the supp-liers to the job on site, also co-ordinate the infor-mation flow and needed actions.
- Keep in good relationship with the customers and supp-liers are essential.

* In spite of difficulties where projects abroad are con-cerned, the limitations regarding working conditions, communi-cation facil-ities and material supply. I kept the project in good running order thanks to my organisational skills.
* For all the projects abroad I organised local staff and/or subcontractors and if needed other special-ists.

1983 - 1984 *** Working as a self employed consultant in the Middle East.

- Marketing survey for other consultancy agents.
- Selling measuring/testing equipment for all kinds of cables, HF radio systems and materials for CATV, CCTV, safety- and fire protection-, paging- and sound systems.
- Selling services (on consultancy basis).

1966 - 1986 *** Project manager, supervisor and service engineer with Siemens Cable Television and Safety Department.

- Quality control of the installation- and technical spec-ifi-cations.
- Checking the budget, material flow and material use.
- I have carried out and supervised projects in the Nether-lands and Saudi-Arabia, fully independently.
- Trouble shooting and maintenance of the projects.
- Advised clients, on all levels, concerning mainten-ance contracts and expansion of their systems.
- Give training courses for client subcontractors (Koreans, Turks, the English, Philippines). Prepared courses trouble shooting and maintenance.

* Owing to my advice and efforts, orders for exten-sions and contracting work could be secured bringing in additional turnover worth twice the contract value.
* Planned and organised another projects so that it could be completed in one third of the scheduled time.

1961 - 1966 *** Trainee technician subsequently senior technician in the employment of K.A. Niermeyer, Leeuwarden (including 18 months military service)

Responsibilities: - Installation of large buildings such as factories.
- Installed independently controls systems for heating and climate control instal-lations of various sizes.
- I was in charge of a team of trainee engin-eers.

1960 - 1961 *** Trainee technician respectively employed by Steenman BV, Amsterdam and Vreesia BV, Leeuwarden.
Responsibilities: - Installation and maintenance of electrical installations.



- H.B.S. (secondary modern school). 1960
- Junior Technical School, evening classes. 1962
- Electrical engineering, level V.E.V. 1962
(Associ-ation for the training of electrical engineers)
- Electrical engineer, advanced V.E.V. (BSc level) 1966
- Home study electronics (hobby)
- Course modern electronic, Teleac (Television Academy) 1977
- High-frequency engineering, P.B.N.A. 1978
- Middle Management course I.S.W.(Institute Social Sciences) 1979
- Assistant Economist, I.S.W. 1983
- Basic Electronics Dirksen Training Institute 1986
- Business Economics (level BSc.) I.S.W. 1986


start up,construction and delivering to Client off projects


- Adequate reading proficiency and fluency in English and German; working knowledge of French.


Due too long experience possible a consulting job


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