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ICT manager

ICT manager

Work Experience

1998-2002: consultant at Quint Wellington Redwood Belux in Antwerp
Quint Wellington Redwood is an ICT organizational improvement company that focuses on the improvement of the performance of ICT departments and companies. It’s consultants give advice, do projects and give courses. The projects are not about software and hardware but about collaboration and management of people and their working methods. Management of Change (MOC) is an important aspect in these projects. At a recent survey in the Netherlands, Quint Wellington Redwood was the customer best rated consultancy firm in the sector of organizational consulting. Other companies in that sector are Hay Group Consulting, Cap Gemini E&Y, Braxton (Deloitte Consulting) and The Boston Consulting Group.
As consultant I assist companies with the awareness for process oriented working, the making of project plans, the introduction/ improvement of ICT processes (Problem Management, Configuration Management, Change Management, Release Management, …) according to the defined objectives, the construction of Service Level Agreements, the improved setup of Service Desks. I do this at customers like Bayer, Philips, Electrabel, Eurocontrol and KBC.
The experience I gained during these projects is great and lies in the areas of project management, coaching, customer orientation, talking to and teaching groups. I’m also an appreciated ITIL trainer: I trained the bigger part of the Belgium ITIL Service Managers and recently I’m also teaching abroad. In annex you find a convincing fact sheet on one of the improvement projects I led.

1998: IT database administrator at KPN-Orange in Evere
KPN-Orange was the joint-venture of the Dutch KPN and the British Orange. The company got the license to build the third GSM network in Belgium. Nowadays KPN withdrew financially and the company changed it’s name in BASE.
I could help the starting KPN-Orange (with only 20 workers) on an interim basis with the management of their database with sites for antennas. Databases were geographically spread.
At KPN-Orange I improved my flexibility, entrepreneurship and working in a multidisciplinary and multinational team.

1994-1997: Quality Engineer at Philips Components Industrial in Evere
Philips Components Industrial was a supplier to the automotive industry. That was why it had to improve it’s quality. This Philips site made thermal sensors.
I had to gain for myself the knowledge to become a Quality Engineer. I did this by studying and by working together with an external consultant. We helped several process specialists to implement statistical process control (SPC). SPC is about controlling production processes and by that also about controlling the quality of the products.
I gained experience from projects in these areas: Quality norms (ISO 9000, Ford Q-101, PQA90 and EFQM), statistical process control, problem solving techniques, other quality techniques like FMEA and Control Plans. I also completed the studies of Quality Engineer with a degree at the Centrum voor Kwaliteitszorg in Antwerp. The company was bilingual, so my French speaking and writing abilities further improved too. A good English knowledge was also necessary.


2001 : consulting skills (the Netherlands)
2000-2001: Managing and coaching of groups (Instituut voor Communicatie – Kortrijk)
1999-2000: IT Service Manager (Quint Wellington Redwood – Antwerp)
1997-1998: postgraduate Business Management (KUL - Leuven)
1994-1997: Quality Engineer (CKZ-Antwerpen)
1989-1993: engineer in electro-mechanics (KIH - Oostende)


Quality Management, People Management, ICT Service Management, Management of Change, Training.

See also at the working experience chapter.


Dutch, English, French: very good
German: basic knowledge


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