Flex Manager
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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

A senior manager, with extensive international experience within operational/general management. Leadership style is motivational through empowerment and clear target setting combined with a strategic direction. Broad experience with cross cultural issues, in both business, organizational and people management.

Managing Director - GmbH - Switzerland
10/2002 - Present
GmbH is an executive coaching consultancy, focusing on leadership development of senior managers and executives. With a client base of CEO's from small and medium size companies, as well as executives from large multinationals, it helps clients build a stronger leadership style linked to their business objectives. Solutions include a strong cross cultural element, with focus on working across geographical areas and team dynamics.

Director - Nokia - Singapore
08/01 - 09/02
The Director (Customer Segment) had full business responsibility, with profit/loss, customer relationship and people management. Responsible for annual turnover of approx. 100 mEuro and a staff of approx. 65 people covering sales (Large account management), admin and service. Main focus areas included customer relationship development, new technology introduction (3G) and increasing operational efficiency.

General Manager - Nokia - Singapore
07/99 - 07/01
GM – New mobile business was a combined marketing and sales role established to increase marked share in the cellular equipment market. Main focus was vendor replacement, and the function included managing a small sales/marketing team, strategic direction, target setting and leading the sales effort

Customer Services Manager - Nokia -The Netherlands
07/97 - 06/99
Department manager for all customer services activities in The Netherlands, Belgian and Switzerland. The department expanded heavily during ‘98, to over 400 employees, with a mix of locals, expats and contractors. The scope of services included; Project Management, Network Planning, Construction Work, Training, Telecom implementation and Integration and Network Operation

Customer Service Manager - Nokia - China
07/95 - 06/97
Managed services deliverables for all Cellular phone projects in P.R.China. Total service turnover grew from approx. 10 mUS$ in '95 to over 65 mUS$ in '97, and size of organisation also expanded from 50 people to over 250. The main focus was growth management combined with competence development/transfer (localisation). The position also included extensive customer contact, mainly relationship management, with travel over most of China.

Project Manager - Nokia - Norway
06/94 - 06/95

Project Manager - Nokia - Denmark
05/92 - 05/94


Bachelor of Science (Engineering)
Copenhagen Technical Collage 89 Denmark

Bachelor of Business Administration
Copenhagen Business School 92 Denmark

Master of Social Science - Counselling
University of South Australia '03 Singapore

Doctor of Business Administration
University of South Australia Switzerland
Completion May 2006.


Cross-cultural management and operation
Start-up and growth management
Negotiation (Contract and partnerships)
Profit & Loss management - Management accounting
Leadership development - training


Danish, Swedish and English, fluent
Norwegian and German, good understanding and basic spoken
Chinese, very basic


Accredited MBTI instructor


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