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operational director/supply chain director/plant manager

operational director/supply chain director/plant manager

Work Experience

Employment History

June 2012
until present ArcelorMittal Distribution Solutions Benelux
Position Chief Executive Officer
Responsibilities • General Management of 14 sites, 900 FTE
• Sales, Distribution, Processing of Steel Products
Achievements • Setting up of a global reorganization plan to adapt the organization to the market situation:
o reduce from 1200FTE to 900 FTE,
o reduce from 22 to 14 sites
o set up communication and downsizing project with the unions
• Set up a change management program to restore sales and motivation, improve safety.

March 2009
– May 2012 ArcelorMittal Distribution Solutions Benelux
Position Chief Technical Officer
Responsibilities • Operational Management of 14 sites, 1200 FTE
Achievements • Active participation in merger activity of Steel Service Centres and Distribution to create AMDS Business Area Benelux
• Change management: coping with economic crisis
o mothballing program of sites,
o triggering cost reduction programs in line with economic activity

June 2008
– February 2009 ArcelorMittal Steel Service Centres Benelux
Position Managing Director
Responsibilities • General Management of 5 sites in Belgium +/- 500 FTE
• Coordination with German sister sites
June 2006
– May 2008 ArcelorMittal ESP, Geel, Belgium
Position General Manager, Site Manager
Responsibilities • General Management of site Geel, 170FTE
Achievements • Operational management of 2 sites (slitting and cut-to-length), including own sales force, setting up/maintaining cooperation with sales agencies
• Chosen approach: defining targets/projects for each department in line with the global site targets (WCR Reduction, volume increase, improved safety results, cost reduction projects). Setting up coordination/communication amongst the departments. Look for/invest in proper training for managers/coordinators

December 2003
– May 2006 ArcelorMittal ESP, Geel, Belgium
Position Production Manager
Responsibilities • Director Production and Maintenance
1999 - 2003
Atlas Copco Airpower, Wilrijk, Belgium
Position Manager Contract Operations
Responsibilities 25 highly qualified engineers and +/- 25 technicians
Achievements • Turning a non-profitable department into a good running profitable department of non-standard customized compressors.
• A good communication, cooperation with the customer/sales company was primordial.


1990 – 1993 Civil Engineer Mechanics (Master Degree)
• Burgerlijk Ingenieur Werktuigkunde at the University of Brussels, Belgium (VUB)

1986 – 1990 Industrial Engineer Electronics (Master Degree)
• Industrieel Ingenieur Electronica at the Industrial School in Geel, Belgium (Hoger Instituut der Kempen, Geel)

June 2010 Pioneer Training Program
• Senior executive training at ArcelorMittal University (Luxembourg)
February - June 2006 Operational Management Program (OMP)
• Executive training at ArcelorMittal University (Luxembourg, Spain, France)

February – June 1993: Erasmus exchange program
• University of Patras (Greece)
August - September 1992: Student exchange program
• University of Kosice (Slovakia)
Several trainings: situational leadership, communication, absenteeism interviews,…


French, Dutch, English: excellent
German: basic


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