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General Manager Business Development

General Manager Business Development

Work Experience

4/2007-today Freelancing Consultant and Interim Manager for medium sized companies. Four escorting services are offered

- A strategy-cycle according to the position school methodology as also practiced by Fredmund Malik (Inst. St. Gallen)or by Bostaon Consulting

- A management cycle training rational management according to Kepner and Tregoe finding causes of failures, making decisions tracable and securing risky projects.

- Pre and postmerger-services for medium-sized companies

- Active interim-management in companies busy in industrial machine building control and drive technology

3/2008 - 12/2008 Interim management-task as an international sales director in a company producing machine equipment for the industry.

4/2001-3/2007 General Manager, Company producing industrial automation, controls, servos and IPCs for tooling machine producers. 14 Mio. €, 100 employees, change from medium-sized company managed by the owner into daughter-company of an internationally operating enterprise. Profitable since 2001. transfer into another Automation Company.

- Liberation from huge project business with sister company bringing heavy losses.
- Introduction of ERP-program NAVISION
- New reports to mother-company
- Restructuring of operation and administration after loss of furniture machine producing customers.
- Concentration on OEM customers and recurring business.
- Orientation towards self developed products

1/200-3/2001 Freelancing project manager working mainly for a partnership of chartered accountants in the field of company change of ownership, M&A

- Company rating and competence assessment
- Coaching of a company after a merger.
- Interim Manager for a major supplier of industrial equipment.
- Training introduction of risk management according to German KonTraG (Control and Transparency in Business Act )

9/97-9/99 General Manager, Company producing arc-welding equipment including robots. After downsizing the former sales of 115 Mio.DM had to be regained with a reduced staff of 480 employees.
Sales in Europe was increased. Production and engineering of plant equipment was restructured. Profitable since 1997.

- Systematic capture of non-professional work.
- Reduction of production cycle-time for catalogue products.
- Improvement of systematic specification and acceptance-test for industrial equipment.
- Dialogue with shareholders to accept good proposals from works-council.
- Target-orientation towards approval according to ISO 9001

3/93-8/97 General Manager, Company producing texturising equipment including automation and drives for producers of chemical fibres. 29 Mio. DM, 100 employees. Main end-customers had changed to Asia. OEM-business with big European suppliers remained as well as a few end-customers in far-East and Europe.

- Intensify cooperation with German, Swiss and Italian machine-producers.
- Change of products towards generation of more customer loyalty.
- Management of strictly regimented development-project, a dryer-equipment for aramide yarns for DUPONT. Gain best-practice experience from an experienced partner.
- Downsize the company. Concentrate on core business with texturising equipment.
- Improve local service in China by cooperation with partners.

1/87-10/92 General Manager, Company producing automation for paper-quality on-line measurement and control. 50 Mio. DM 240 – 320 employees. Operating internationally.

- Direct support of risk-projects and key-customers
- Establish a cooperation with former Eastern bloc states
- Restructure company after the first merger with an internationally operating enterprise.
- Manage multinational development-project of new sensor family
- In-time launch of a new brand in Automation.
- Gain new customers in USSR and Asia
- Restructure product offerings after second merger with new owner
- Downsize the company

2/78-12/86 R&D-manager for automation business, Company for vacuum equipment. 900 Mio. DM, 5.500 employees, 3 producing factories. Introduction of microprocessors into all products of serially-produced vacuum equipment.

- Microprocessor-control into five product types successfully established.
- Several visits to customers in the USA for training and market introduction.
- Existing drive electronics debugged and completely rebuild.
- Education and examination as moderator for rational management.
- Partner in a team of managers building up product –management.


1977 RWTH Aachen University
Doctorate (PhD) as German Dr. Ing. with mark excellent (Summa cum Laude)

1973-1977 RWTH Aachen University Subsidized Research-project for infrasonic measurement equipment.

1966-1972 RWTH Aachen University Study of Communications engineering


- Strong analytical ability to understand profitability of companies dealing with automation and technical matters.
- Restructuring experience with middle-sized companies.
- Experience in development-projects.
- Experience in industrial Automation-projects.
- Understanding of cultural problems during changes of ownership.
- Moderation of parties with conflicts of interest.


English: business fluent
French: elementary knowledge, not used in practice


1990–1992 Member of the board of two daughter companies in Helsinki and Atlanta.

1982 Education and examination as moderator for rational processes according to Kepner & Tregoe.


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